Bikes for woodland track, Northgate Hospital

In 2024, the Sports and Fitness Hub at Northgate Hospital received funding for a variety of bicycles, enabling patients to explore and enjoy the natural beauty of the surrounding woodland.

The service received six mountain bikes, two electric bikes, a tricycle and two scooters to support the physical wellbeing of service users receiving care at the hospital. Northgate Hospital in Northumberland is home to a range of services, including an autism inpatient service and secure care facilities for men with mental illness, learning disabilities or personality disorders.

The team organised a six-week woodland track programme, utilising the nearby woodland, to support patient care by promoting physical activity, a deeper connection with nature, while also fostering social interaction as patients share in the experience together.

The lads that have come to that – their confidence improved massively from week one to week six.

LiamClinical Support Assistant

“They were talking to people they had maybe never spoken to, having really good conversations about cycling, when they’ve cycled before previously and growing up, when was the last time they cycled. I feel like it has been massively beneficial to the social side of the lads,” says Liam.

Service users who may be nervous of cycling have access to the tricycle and scooters, whilst those who have reduced mobility have been able to utilise the electric bikes. “For patient care, it’s absolutely key. They’re allowed to develop new skills and maybe build on skills that they’ve already got, whether that be physical skills on the bikes or the social aspect.”

“We’re really thankful to the SHINE fund for what they’ve done getting us these bikes. It’s enabled us to do lots of different things with the patients, and I’m sure they would love to say thank you as well.”