Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) Factsheet

This leaflet is for anyone who wants to know more about Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT). CBT leaflet It discusses how it works, why it is used, its effects, its side-effects, and alternative treatments.

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) Factsheet

This leaflet is for anyone who wants to know more about Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT). CBT leaflet It discusses how it works, why it is used, its effects, its side-effects, and alternative treatments.

Coming off antidepressants

The aim of this leaflet is to help you decide about when and how to come off antidepressants. Some people find coming off antidepressants is quite easy. But others may get withdrawal or a return of the depression.

Communicating – Alzheimer’s Society

How well we can communicate will affect our quality of life, as well as how much we are able to keep our individuality and sense of identity.

Carers: Looking after yourself – Alzheimer’s Society

Caring for a person with dementia can be rewarding, but it is also very challenging. The needs of the person you care for will often come before your own, and this can mean that you don’t look after yourself properly.

Changing Times – Puberty information for boys and girls

As you start to become an adult, your body goes through lots of changes and you’ll notice that your moods and behaviour change too. From starting your periods to growing body hair, find out what to expect when you go through puberty.

Controlling Anger – an NHS self help guide

This guide aims to help you cope with anger. It includes information on understanding anger and its causes, how to control angry behaviours and the physical symptoms of anger. Available in audio, easy to read and British Sign Language (BSL).