Clearbrook – Patient Information Leaflet

Clearbook is a female only, high dependency rehabilitation unit based at Hopewood Park, Sunderland. The service is for females only above the age of 18 years old who require a period of intensive rehabilitation in a hospital setting.

Clearbrook – Patient Information Leaflet

Clearbook is a female only, high dependency rehabilitation unit based at Hopewood Park, Sunderland. The service is for females only above the age of 18 years old who require a period of intensive rehabilitation in a hospital setting.

Carers resources

Information, signposting and support resources for carers.

Universal Crisis Team – Northumberland and North Tyneside

The Universal Crisis Team is a team of experienced mental health staff, which includes nurses, social workers, psychiatrists, non-medical prescribers and pharmacy staff. We offer assessment and home treatment for people experiencing a mental health crisis, as an alternative to hospital admission. The team operates 24 hours a day 7 days a week. However, the crisis team does not provide an ‘emergency’ service such as a 999 response.

Carer card poster

Carer Card offers 50% discounts in Trust cafés as well as free parking on all main Trust sites. Please ask a member of Staff

Castleside Day Hospital – Patient information

The Day Hospital is situated at the Campus for Ageing and Vitality, Newcastle upon Tyne. The service provides assessment and treatment for people aged over 65 years who are experiencing mental health or psychological problems.

Carleton Carer Group

Information about the Carleton Carers group, when the group meets and the support that is available.