Getting help from learning disability services – A guide for service users and carers

A guide for service users and carers about getting help from Learning Disability services.

Welcome Guide – North of Tyne Addictions

This is the welcome guide for the North of Tyne Addictions service at Gibside ward, St Nicholas Hospital. It contains information you will find useful during your stay.

Getting legal advice for a problem at work

This leaflet tells you where you can find more help and information from NHS North Cumbria Talking Therapies Employment Advisor if you have a problem at work, or you are thinking of making a claim to an employment tribunal.

Gateshead/Newcastle Homeless Service – Patient information leaflet

This leaflet provides information about Gateshead/Newcastle Homeless Service provides an assessment and treatment service for people who are homeless or who are living in insecure accommodation and who are experiencing difficulties with their mental health.

Going to Court

This link takes you to the Victim Support Website and gives you details about going to court.

Great North Care Record – Information for patients

The Great North Care Record gives the staff caring for you a more complete picture of your medical history. It does this by making information held about you in different places such as your GP practice or local hospital available to the staff who are looking after you. Being able to access this information helps make your care safer.