Gateshead Psychiatric Liaison Team – personalised Patient Information
This leaflet provides information about the Psychiatric Liaison Team provides assessment of mental health, and treatment of any mental health problems, to people attending a general hospital.
This leaflet may not be reproduced in whole or in part, without the permission of Cumbria, Northumberland, Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation Trust
Gateshead Psychiatric Liaison Team
personalised patient information leaflet
What do the Psychiatric Liaison Team do?
The information contained in this booklet is important – please keep it safe.
e Psychiatric Liaison Team provides assessment of mental health, and treatment of any mental health problems, to people attending a general hospital. Although we are employed by the mental health trust and not the general hospital, we work very closely with the general hospital team.
Who are we?
We are mental health professionals: specialist medical doctors (called ‘psychiatrists’), mental health nurses, other specialist mental health professionals, and administrative staff.
We are based at: Tranwell Unit, Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Windy Nook Road, Gateshead, Tyne and Wear, NE10 9RW
The hospital we cover is: The Queen Elizabeth Hospital
We have been asked to see you by your general hospital team, who remain the team responsible for your overall care.
During our involvement you may be asked to:
- Take part in your assessment, so that we can agree with you what needs you may have and how we might help them be met.
- Give permission to us to speak to others (for example, your family).
- Give permission for us to share information with others concerned with your care.
People who know you well, such as your family, can always speak to us; we will listen to them but will not normally share any information with them about you without your consent.
If you require an interpreter, please let your referrer know so that one can be arranged for you.
When you are seen we will always try to do the utmost possible to respect your privacy and dignity
• You can be seen in a private area, if one is available.
• You can choose whether or not a relative, friend or advocate accompanies you.
• We will encourage you to be involved in decisions about any treatment offered. -
You may be offered:
- Information and a choice of possible interventions by agencies that will be able to support any plan agreed with you.
After the assessment:
- The plan is written in this leaflet; this may be called a care plan when it is in your medical notes.
- Relevant information you gave to the psychiatric liaison staff will be given to the hospital team looking after you.
- You have the right to receive copies of any letters written to your GP.
How to contact us
Our postal address is:
Gateshead Psychiatric Liaison Team, Tranwell Unit, Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Windy Nook Road, Gateshead, Tyne and Wear, NE10 9RW
Our telephone number is:
0191 482 0000
The Stress Bucket
We use the stress bucket to explain how everyday stress can build up and up and feels too much sometimes. When we reach the limit of the bucket, stress overflows. We try and cope the best ways we know how. We know that some people have more to manage in life and their buckets can often feel very full.
For a copy of the stress bucket please telephone 0191 482 0000.
My safety plan
Thinking about what your stressors are and how they impact you can help you make plans to keep yourself safe in the future.
What are my triggers and warning signs that my stress/ distress is overflowing?
Getting through right now.
What will help me in the next few minutes and hours?
What do I need?—————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
Making the situation safer.
Can I make the situation safer around me e.g., not having more medication around than I need.—————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
What lifts my mood?
What calms me down?
What distracts me?
Who are the people that support me?
Emergency Professional support
More information is available at
Your plan of care which has been agreed upon is:
———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— -
Your plan of care which has been agreed upon is:
Your GP__________________________________________________
Samaritans Tel: 116 123 (24 hours)
If you want urgent advice from a mental health professional or it is an emergency, then you can contact your local Initial Response/
Crisis Team at any time, 24 hours a day every day of the year:• Cumbria
Freephone 0800 652 2865 Text number for people who are Deaf and/or have communication difficulties – 07795 656 226
• Newcastle and Gateshead
Freephone 0800 652 2863 Text number for people who are Deaf and/or have communication difficulties – 07919 228 548
• Northumberland and North Tyneside
Freephone 0800 652 2861 Text number for people who are Deaf and/or have communication difficulties- 07887 625 277
• Sunderland and South Tyneside
Freephone 0800 652 2867 Text number for people who are Deaf and/or have communication difficulties – 07889 036 280 -
Useful organisations and websites
Hub of Hope
If you or a loved one is struggling with any mental health concern, contact Hub of Hope, to find the most relevant and readily available support near you, when you need it.
Shout 85258 is a 24/7 UK text messaging service for times when people feel they need immediate support. Struggling to cope? Text SHOUT to 85258
Calm Harm App
The urge to self-harm is like a wave. Learn to ride the wave with the free Calm Harm app using these activities: Comfort, Distract, Express Yourself, Release, Random and Breathe.
Papyrus – prevention of young suicide
Freephone: 0800 0684 141 open 24/7 or text 0786 003 9967
Changing Lives
A nationwide charity helping people facing challenging times to make positive change.
The Silver Line Helpline
Telephone: 0800 4 70 80 90
A free confidential telephone support for older people, provided by Age UK.
If U Care Share
Telephone: 0191 387 5661
Provide a range of services fundamental to our three main aims of prevention, intervention and supporting those bereaved by suicide.
Anxious Minds
You can drop-in anytime for a cup of coffee and a chat at our Recovery Centres and everyone who registers for Counselling gets an assessment appointment within a couple of weeks.
Recovery College Collective – ReCoCo Newcastle
Peer-led educational courses, workshops and recovery support.
SomeOne Cares
SomeOne Cares offers a free counselling service for survivors of abuse, specialising in childhood sexual abuse, rape and sexual assault.
Telephone: 0191 257 8094
Cruse Bereavement Support
Grief is a natural process, but it we know it can be devastating. You are not alone. We are here to support you.
Helpline: 0808 808 1677
Gateshead Domestic Abuse Team – Gateshead Council
For advice and support, please contact our Domestic Abuse 24 hour helpline 0191 433 3333
Andy’s Man Club
At Andy’s Man club is a judgment-free, confidential space where men can be open about the storms in their lives. We aim to achieve this through weekly, free to attend peer-to-peer support groups for men aged over 18.
NHS Talking Therapies Gateshead
Telephone: 0191 283 2541 or online at
Talking therapies are effective and confidential treatments delivered by fully trained and accredited NHS practitioners. They can help with common mental health problems like stress, anxiety and depression.
You can access talking therapies for free on the NHS.
You can refer yourself directly to an NHS talking therapies service without a referral from a GP, or a GP can refer you.
Gateshead Autism Hub
Monthly drops at Gateshead Autism Hubs are available to anyone with an interest in autism – including family members of autistic people, professionals, practitioners and individuals with autism whether they have a diagnosis or not.
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: 0191 478 2619
Basis@336 (Oasis Aquila Housing)
Help and support for those experiencing homelessness.
Telephone: 0191 499 8020
Citizens Advice Gateshead
Telephone: 0808 278 7902
Email: [email protected]
Gateshead Carers Association
We believe that no carer should feel alone, and that it is vital all unpaid carers feel supported in their caring role, or feel supported to stop providing care, if that’s what they choose.
Telephone: 0191 490 0121
Email: [email protected]
Gateshead Women’s Refuge and Advice
Advice, support and refuge accommodation for women experiencing domestic violence. Basic legal advice, help with welfare benefits and housing issues. Telephone support and advice for women living in the community.
Telephone: 0191 477 9309
24-hour National Domestic Abuse Helpline
Support for women who are are experiencing domestic abuse.
Telephone: 0808 2000 247
Men’s Advice Line
Men’s Advice Line provides confidential support for any man experiencing domestic violence or abuse.
Telephone: 0808 801 0327
REACH (Rape, Examination, Advice and Counselling Help)
Free, confidential counselling, support and advice service for women aged 16 and over.
Telephone: 0191 221 9222
Gateshead Council’s Homeless Service
If you are homeless or think you may be threatened with homelessness please contact our Housing Options Team.
Freephone number: 0800 953 7112 – 24 hours a day
Mental Health Matters
Pathways Advice and Information Gateshead
Telephone: 0191 490 0579
Email: [email protected]Switchboard LGBT+ Helpline
A safe space for anyone to discuss anything, including sexuality, gender identity, sexual health and emotional well-being.
Telephone: 800 0119 100
Streetwise Young People’s Project is a multi award-winning regional Charity, providing essential support services for young people aged 11 – 25 years since 1991.
Telephone: 0191 2305400
SANEline services
National out-of-hours mental health helpline offering specialist emotional support, guidance and information to anyone affected by mental illness, including family, friends and carers. We are normally open every day of the year from 4pm to 10pm.
Telephone: 0300 304 7000.
Drug and Alcohol Services
Gateshead Recovery Partnership
Contact them on 0191 594 7821 or [email protected]
Positive Futures – Children and Young People Drug and Alcohol services
Telephone: 0191 460 1354
Email: [email protected]
Consent and confidentiality
We will usually only see you if you have given your explicit consent. Similarly, you are free to opt out of seeing us at any time. Anything you say is treated in strictest confidence and will only be shared with other members of the team and with other people involved in your health care, such as your GP.
Members of the team work within professional Codes of Conduct and follow NHS Policies that ensure confidentiality is maintained at all times. The only exception to this would be if the Team believed that there was a significant risk you would seriously harm yourself or others, or information was obtained about possible harm to vulnerable people such as children.
If you have any concerns at all about confidentiality please speak to any member of the team.
Patient and carer information
There is a range of patient and carer information on the Trust’s website – – which includes information on mental health and wellbeing, information on medicines, side-effects and how to manage them and mental health act information leaflets in 28 languages.
There are also 23 self help guides written by NHS clinical psychologists with contributions from service users and healthcare staff. Titles cover Depression and Low Mood, Stress, Controlling Anger, Panic, Sleeping Problems and Anxiety.
What if I have a comment, suggestion, compliment or complaint about the service?
If you want to make a comment, suggestion, compliment or complaint you can:
- talk to the people directly involved in your care
- ask a member of staff for a feedback form, or complete a form on the Trust website
- telephone the Complaints Department Tel: 0191 245 6672
- email [email protected] Please note that information sent to the Trust via email is sent at your own risk
We are always looking at ways to improve services. Your feedback allows us to monitor the quality of our services and act upon issues that you bring to our attention.
You can provide feedback in the following ways:
– the quickest way for you to do this is to complete our short online survey at Please enter the team code CNTW157
– complete a Points of You survey, available on wards, reception areas or from staff
– other options for sharing your feedback and experience
Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS)
PALS provide confidential advice and support, helping you to sort out any concerns that you may have about any aspect of your or your loved ones care.
We act independently when handling patient and family concerns, liaising with staff, managers and, where appropriate, relevant organisations, to negotiate prompt solutions. If necessary, we can also refer patients and families to specific local or national-based support agencies.
South of Tyne
Tel: 0800 328 4397 Text: 07825 061 035
Email: [email protected]
Post: Patient Advice and Liaison Service, Garden Lodge, Hopewood Park, Ryhope, Sunderland, SR2 0NB
9.00 am – 4.30 pm, Monday to Friday
An answerphone is available at all times for you to leave a message. A member of the PALS team will aim to return your call as soon as possible.
Information about content, other formats and version control
Further information about the content, reference sources or production of this leaflet can be obtained from the Patient Information Centre. If you would like to tell us what you think about this leaflet please get in touch.
This information can be made available in a range of formats on request (eg Braille, audio, larger print, easy read, BSL or other languages). Please contact the Patient Information Centre Tel: 0191 246 7288
Published by the Patient Information Centre
2023 Copyright, Cumbria, Northumberland, Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation Trust
Ref, PIC/774/1223 December 2023 V8 Tel: 0191 246 7288
Review date 2026
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