Welcome Guide – North of Tyne Addictions
This is the welcome guide for the North of Tyne Addictions service at Gibside ward, St Nicholas Hospital. It contains information you will find useful during your stay.
This leaflet may not be reproduced in whole or in part, without the permission of Cumbria, Northumberland, Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation Trust
Welcome Guide PDF for printing
North of Tyne Addictions Service at Gibside
- Watch our North of Tyne Inpatient Detoxification Service video
www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Z2aIUVC61Q - George tells his story
- Watch our North of Tyne Inpatient Detoxification Service video
Gibside Ward Welcome Guide
This guide belongs to: _____________________________________
My Named Nurse is: ______________________________________
My Ward is: ____________________________________________
My Ward Manager is: _____________________________________
My Responsible Clinician is: _________________________________
You have been added to the waiting list for alcohol detoxification at Gibside. Waiting times can vary. However, this time is a great opportunity to optimise your recovery and engage in your pre-detoxification ‘work up.’ Your keyworker will be updated by the detoxification coordinator when you are nearing the admission date, so that you can finalise your preparations. If you have any pets, please consider care arrangements for those in advance.
Your engagement in recovery, motivation and any risk will be continually assessed. If you are not engaging in your pre-detoxification work, this may delay your admission date. Detoxification is more successful when you are prepared and engaging in recovery support available.
In the event of any deterioration of your physical or mental health you should seek appropriate support from GP, Crisis Team or in event of a medical emergency, 999. Should you develop any signs of jaundice (yellowing of the skin or eyes) or confusion this is a medical emergency, and you must seek urgent medical advice.
Staff will work with you to provide care and treatment to support your withdrawal from alcohol and substance dependence.
Medically assisted alcohol detoxification allows for safe withdrawal from alcohol. However, it is only part of your wider treatment plan. What you do before and after detoxification is very important to support your recovery.
At this point you should have already or be fully committed to establishing and affirming your ‘Recovery Roots’.
I arrived scared; I was about to lose my best friend (alcohol) forever. But I had HOPE as I knew this was my best chance of recovery.
The care and compassion in the treatment I received on Gibside from the staff, made a huge difference in getting through this painful experience. I am now two and a half years sober and the happiest I’ve ever been. Never give up hope.
Quote from previous service user
Clinical intervention – alcohol detoxification
Admission for alcohol detoxification:
• Your admission date and time will be confirmed one week before you come in.
• Admissions are usually planned for Tuesdays between 9am and 11am.
• Admissions are usually 7 nights, discharge on a Tuesday morning around 9am/9.30am.*Please note, admission dates can change in event of circumstances out with our control but if this happens, we will let you know as soon as possible.
Your care
As part of your care and treatment we will work together to support your recovery. You also must be committed to:
• Being fully engaged with your keyworker appointments and psychosocial interventions (PSI) for example SMART recovery, men and women’s group and breakfast club.
• Attending physical health appointments (for example blood tests and liver scans).
• Ensuring that you take all prescribed medication properly (including thiamine).
• Attending recovery groups in person and online (including mutual aid meetings like AA).
• Following your post-detoxification plan as agreed with your keyworker and the detoxification co-ordinator. This might include attending a day rehabilitation programme, residential rehabilitation or other post-detoxification interventions (PDI)
• Recovery support if you work and are planning to return to work.
• Returning to an alcohol-free home.If you are engaged in the residential rehabilitation pathway your admission date for alcohol detoxification will link with your residential rehabilitation admission date. The detoxification coordinator will link with your Social Worker. (Recovery provision varies in different localities. Please access your local timetables/ ask your keyworker).
You need to register with Breaking Free online at www.breakingfreeonline.com and engage in the program, before and after detoxification.
This is an evidence-based recovery support program for alcohol and drugs, to help you to achieve and maintain your long-term recovery goals from dependence.
Your keyworker will provide you with an access code and support you to register if needed. If you do not have access to a mobile telephone or computer or struggle with technology, please speak to your keyworker.
Regional Affective Disorders Service at Gibside Ward
Gibside Ward is a ten bedded mixed unit that provides care for people who have complex mood and anxiety disorders. It includes one bed for medically assisted alcohol detoxification.
On admission your needs will be assessed, this will include physical, psychological, social and spiritual needs. You will be fully involved in your care planning during your stay.
You will receive support from keyworker/nursing staff with face-to-face contact on a regular basis. Additional support from advocacy workers is also available.
The team will advise you about recovery support and aftercare.
Gibside Ward
The ward is located in St Nicholas Hospital, Jubilee Road, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE3 3XT.Ward telephone number: 0191 245 6830
For more information about the hospital visit: www.cntw.nhs.uk/locations/st-nicholas
Treatment plan
You have been assessed as being suitable for an inpatient detoxification on Gibside Ward because you require 24-hour monitoring and support during alcohol detoxification.
However, this pathway could change for example, if you experience any deterioration in your physical or mental health. If this happens, we will discuss this with you and your key worker so that we could agree a more suitable placement to meet your needs but your pre-detoxification work would remain the same.
Personal information is shared with your GP, your treatment provider and any other agencies involved in your care. Any exceptions will be discussed with you. Your GP will be informed of your admission for alcohol detoxification and will be sent a discharge summary letter. You will also be offered a copy of this letter.
Travel to the ward
You should not drive. This is in line with Driving Vehicle Licencing Authority (DVLA) regulations.
Sometimes the smallest step in the right direction ends up being the biggest step of your life.
Quote from previous service user
Information for carers
Family, partners and friends play an essential role in supporting people accessing our services; they are known as carers. A carer is someone who looks after another person, usually a family member or friend, who could not manage without their support due to illness, disability, mental health problems or an addiction.
Caring for someone could include helping with:
• Cooking
• Attending appointment
• Phone calls
• Emotional support
• Personal care
• MedicationWe will work in partnership to involve carers, not just because we have a statutory duty to do so, but because we want to and appreciate knowledge and experience that a carer has. This can benefit and improve the care we give. We understand that carers play a critical role and without their support, we would not be able to deliver the hope, treatment and care that we always aim to do.
We recognise that, on occasions, carers will also need support for themselves.
Carers will be:
• offered a Carer Card which will enable staff to recognise you in your role as a carer. A member of staff can provide further information.
• asked how you want to be involved in the care of the person you care for and what practical measures can be put in place to support this.
• given the opportunity to discuss any difficulties you are experiencing in your caring role, with staff.The Trust has a Carer Promise and a Carer Card which can provide information and support. Please ask staff for a copy of the Carer Promise leaflet. Carer resources are available at www.cntw.nhs.uk/carers.
Sharing information with carers
When it is appropriate to do so, we will share agreed information about your care and treatment with your carer. We will also provide them with information about care plans, medication, and advice on managing an emergency. It is your choice to consent to this or not.
Admission to Gibside and during your stay
When you arrive at Gibside, we understand that you may be feeling uncomfortable and anxious. Please try to open up and talk to staff as we are here to help, staff can offer one to one contact at your request and are non-judgemental of your situation.
On admission day, you are welcome to the attend ward with support from carers, family and friends. Parking is limited outside of the unit, but visitors can park in the main hospital car park. Please refer to parking charges or ask staff for a Carer Card and Carer Card leaflet, the card entitles carers, family and friends to free parking.
On the morning of admission, you should drink only enough alcohol to manage your withdrawal symptoms. Your keyworker can give you support and advice about this before your admission. You should not arrive intoxicated (drunk).
You will be breathalysed on admission to confirm your alcohol level, and routinely throughout your stay. Please note that if you present as ‘drunk,’ we may have to decide whether the detoxification can go ahead.
Please do not binge with alcohol or substances before admission, as this makes withdrawals more difficult to manage. Medical staff will complete your medical admission. This may include blood tests.
Where you will be staying
You have your own bedroom with ensuite, wet room/ shower. There are also baths available on the ward.
Oxevision is in all bedrooms. This is a medical device with an infrared-red camera that measures pulse and breathing rate. The Trust produces a patient information leaflet, and copies are available from staff or the Patient Information Centre on 0191 246 7288.
There is a nurse call alarm in your bedroom.
You have a television in your bedroom.
There is Trust Wi-Fi, but the signal can fluctuate.
There is a mini addictions/mental health library in the bedroom for you to access at your leisure. These books have been suggested by people in recovery.
The windows in the bedroom do not open but do have air vents and a therapeutic view of the courtyard. There is underfloor heating, and a heating and cooling tower in the bedroom, as we understand that physical withdrawal symptoms can affect body temperatures.
If you have any accessibility needs, please inform your key worker, so that arrangements can be made in advance.
Ward environment
There is a communal dining area, lounge areas, activity areas, courtyard, and garden.
Meals are provided on the ward, breakfast, lunch, tea and supper. You will be given a menu choice and there are a range of options for dietary requirements.
You should bring your prescribed medications with you. They must be in named boxes or in a dosette box. Please remember to bring your inhalers if you have these prescribed. Your medication will be stored in the clinic and dispensed to you by the nursing staff.
If you are prescribed methadone or buprenorphine, this will be dispensed on the ward during your stay and arrangements with your community pharmacy will be made by your keyworker. You should always have your dose at the community pharmacy on day of admission if possible. It is important to tell your keyworker if you are not taking your medication as prescribed as methadone and buprenorphine will be supervised on the ward.
Detoxification regime
You have agreed to an inpatient alcohol detoxification on Gibside ward and to stay for the duration of your treatment (7 days). This includes taking all medications as prescribed to safely manage the detoxification.
Medication for withdrawals will be prescribed to meet your needs. If you can engage in a reduction plan leading up to your alcohol detoxication, this may make the process easier for you.
Medication will include a benzodiazepine (usually diazepam) and Pabrinex (an injection given in the muscle daily for five days). Pabrinex is prescribed to prevent alcohol related brain injury. We can provide you with further information on these medications and conditions. A medication for nausea and sickness will also be prescribed and paracetamol where appropriate.
Everyone will be considered for relapse prevention medication (acamprosate or naltrexone). This is most effective alongside with recovery support.
Physical observations
Nursing staff will regularly take your physical observations including your blood pressure, temperature, and oxygen levels as these can fluctuate during detoxification. This helps us to manage your withdrawal symptoms.
During the initial 72 hours of treatment, staff will enter your room during the night to check on you and to take your physical observations. This is important to ensure that you are comfortable and so that medication can be given to manage any breakthrough symptoms.
You will be regularly breathalysed during your stay to ensure we can safely dispense your medication. If you consume alcohol during your detoxification your treatment will be reviewed and detoxification likely to be stopped.
You have committed to treatment for alcohol detoxification. Should your physical health deteriorate during admission you may be transferred to an acute hospital. You must agree to this prior to admission. This will be in your best interests to manage physical health needs.Should your mental health deteriorate, we will follow hospital policy to manage this and again you may be moved to a safer place to manage any complex mental health needs.
Items to bring with you
• Changes of clothing for your length of your stay, such as comfortable clothes, lounge wear, dressing gowns, slippers.
• Toiletries.
• Prescribed medication, including inhalers. Please make sure they are in named boxes or a dosette box.
• Spectacles, walking aids (if required).
• It would be helpful to bring items to support you to occupy your time, for example books or computer to access your online recovery groups. All electrical items will be safety tested prior to use on the ward.
• Small amounts of cash or a bank card should you wish to use the hospital shop for drinks and snacks. Please do not bring large amounts of cash as this is not needed during your stay. Any valuables or cash are your own responsibility.
• Home comforts like treats, preferred brands of items, necessities. We advise that you do not leave the hospital grounds to shop, so please come prepared with anything you may need. The risk of relapse and the impact of triggering situations outweigh the benefit of shopping. Staff cannot use your bank card at the shop. In certain circumstances, they could access the shop for you with cash and bring you a receipt. But you should come prepared with anything you will need. -
Items that are not allowed
• Alcohol and any non-prescribed or illicit drugs. If illegal drugs are found the Police will be contacted.
• Weapons/ knives.
• Alcohol free drinks of any kind. Please speak to your keyworker around longer term use of alcohol free drinks and the risks and benefits of these in recovery.
• Lighters, matches and smoking materials. On admission if you smoke you will be seen by a member of the Tobacco Dependency Treatment service who will talk to you and offer you support to be smoke free while you are in hospital.Energy drinks are strongly discouraged due to the impact on physical health and sleep.
This is not a full list and staff will inform you of any other items that are not allowed on your ward.
Our NHS recognises the harms of smoking which is why all hospitals across the North East and North Cumbria now provide treatment for tobacco dependency to any patient who smokes, as part of their hospital care. All hospitals in the North East and North Cumbria are now completely smoke-free which means no smoking anywhere on our hospital sites.
The good news is there are now very good treatments available to help you manage your dependency while you are in hospital and if you wish to stop smoking long term.
Please do not bring any cigarettes or tobacco products (including lighters) into the hospital as these will be destroyed.
On admission you will be seen by the Tobacco Dependency Team. They will discuss your treatment options with you and ensure you are supported to remain smokefree during your stay.
For more information see the Now’s the time leaflet that will be given to you with this welcome guide.
Personally, I think that the QUIT service is an excellent service. The lady was very enthusiastic, non-judgemental, and really knew her stuff. The breathing exercise really hit home with me and made me think about stopping smoking in the future.
I felt Gibside was a safe space to talk and explore stopping smoking and the vape I was given was helpful to me once I left the unit. At the minute I have decided to focus on my alcohol addiction, and I hope to look at stopping smoking in the near future and feel the Quit team were helpful whilst I was on the unit.
Quote from previous service user
The ward has an Occupational Therapist (OT) and Occupational therapy assistant who will meet you during your stay and make you aware of some of the activities available on the ward. There is a weekly timetable with groups that you may attend if appropriate. These cover activities such as breakfast club, walking groups and gardening groups.
Gibside has a well-stocked activities room, OT kitchen, library, courtyard and garden. You can discuss with the OT activities that will support you during your detoxification and recovery while on the ward. For example, artwork, crafts, cooking and gardening may be helpful.
You can also access Breaking Free online and recovery groups, including AA and locality recovery group timetables on the ward digital table to support your recovery during detoxification.
Leave from the ward
Although you are admitted informally:
• We expect you to remain on the ward during the first 72 hours after admission. This is a high-risk period during alcohol detoxification and staff will support you during this time. You can get fresh air in the ward courtyard.
• We encourage relaxation during alcohol detoxification and promote a good sleep routine.
• Within the hospital grounds you can access the Peace Garden, walk around the grounds, and access the hospital chapel. During the week you can access the hospital shop and Café Nicholas, and the hospital canteen. Vending machines are available at the hospital café at weekends.
• Any leave will be individually risk assessed and should be within hospital the grounds only. Individual staff support can be considered for leave as required.
Leave outside the hospital grounds, for example to local supermarkets, restaurants, and pubs to test yourself are high risk triggering situations, which should not be undertaken during alcohol detoxification.
• There are no drugs (including over the counter preparations) or alcohol to be consumed on or off the unit, other than those prescribed by the unit doctor or prescriber for the duration of the admission. Please do not give any substances, either prescribed or illicit to anyone else. Random drug screening may be undertaken.
• You are respectful of others. Violence or aggression, verbal or physical, will not be tolerated.
• On return from leave a negative breathalyser will be required.
The expectations are by no means restrictive but intended to optimise your care and treatment by making detoxification as safe and as comfortable as possible.
Café St Nicholas and hospital shop
Café and hospital shop opening times
9am to 3pm, Monday to FridayPlease note that the hospital shop does not sell sugary drinks
Your visitors should be supportive of your treatment plan and abstinence from alcohol.
It is recommended that visits take place in the visitors’ room where possible, but any agreed leave off the ward after the first 72-hour period will be following risk assessment and should be within the hospital grounds only. A breathalyser will be taken on return.
Your carer, family or friend can book visits by contacting the ward direct on 0191 245 6830 or you can also let staff know when they plan to visit.
Protected mealtimes
12 noon to 1pm and 5pm to 6pm
Visits should be avoided during these times where possible
Professional visits
Your keyworker will visit you during your stay. This is an opportunity for one-to-one support and to go over your aftercare plan for discharge when you are abstinent from alcohol.
You may be offered other visits from Changing Lives and Peer Supporters. These are people who like you have been through similar experiences with their mental health so understand how difficult things might be. They can share things that have helped them overcome within their recovery, such as skills, WRAP plans, and the importance of time, connections and communication.
They are someone who truly ‘gets it’ as they’ve been there themselves and are happy to share their experiences with you. Peer Supporters help spark joy again, they hold the hope for you and help you find meaningful activities, goals and ambitions to work towards.
If you have a Social Worker, they are likely to visit you on the ward.
If you are working with a healthcare worker staff from a Community Treatment Team, they will be expected to visit you on the ward.
Any other professionals involved in your care are welcome to arrange a visit to support you during your stay.
Relapse during detoxification
If there is any evidence of alcohol use during detoxification, discharge will be considered, and the detoxification ended. Your next of kin will be contacted. If there are any concerns regarding your safety, we may have to inform the police and follow safeguarding processes. You may have to arrange your own transport home.
What if I have a comment, suggestion, compliment or complaint about the service?
If you want to make a comment, suggestion, compliment or complaint you can:
- talk to the people directly involved in your care
- ask a member of staff for a feedback form, or complete a form on the Trust website
- telephone the Complaints Department on 0191 245 6672
- email [email protected]. Please note that information sent to the Trust via email is sent at your own risk
We are always looking at ways to improve services. Your feedback allows us to monitor the quality of our services and act upon issues that you bring to our attention. You can provide feedback in the following ways:
- the quickest way for you to do this is to complete our short online survey at www.cntw.nhs.uk/yourvoice
- complete a Your Voice survey, available on wards, reception areas or from staff
- other options for sharing your feedback and experience www.cntw.nhs.uk/yourfeedback
Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS)
PALS provide confidential advice and support, helping you to sort out any concerns that you may have about any aspect of your or your loved ones care.We act independently when handling patient and family concerns, liaising with staff, managers and, where appropriate, relevant organisations, to negotiate prompt solutions. If necessary, we can also refer patients and families to specific local or national-based support agencies.
North of Tyne
Telephone: 0800 032 0202
Email: [email protected]
Post: FREEPOST PALS9am to 4.30pm, Monday to Friday
An answerphone is available at all times for you to leave a message. A member of the PALS team will aim to return your call as soon as possible.
Planned discharge from Gibside
On day of discharge from the ward (Tuesday, 9.30am), you will start your post detoxification interventions. This plan will have been agreed with you before your admission and should be followed.There should not be a break between alcohol detoxification and your aftercare plan, as post detoxification you are vulnerable to risk of relapse and need as much support around you as possible.
The best treatment outcomes are in those committed to the pre-detoxification work up and a robust aftercare plan with structure and close monitoring by your keyworker.
Should you have any questions, please contact your keyworker or Gibside ward.
Carers, families and friends
Where possible, please share this information with anyone who supports you, so that they understand your care and treatment.
They can also access support from services below for those affected by other people’s alcohol and drug problems.
Useful contacts
Northumberland Susan Kennedy Centre
Susan Kennedy Centre
63 South View
NE63 0SFTelephone: 01670 544055
Helpline: 07702 833 944
www.escapefamilysupport.org.ukProps Family Recovery Service – Newcastle and North Tyneside
The Linskill Centre
Linskill Terrace
North Shields
Tyne and Wear
NE30 2AYTelephone: 0191 226 3440 or 07791 246 049
www.props.org.uk -
Useful contacts and links to recovery
If you need urgent help you can call, or text if you are Deaf and/or have hearing difficulties, 24 hours a day.
- If you live in Newcastle call 0800 652 2863 or text 07919 228 548
- If you live in Northumberland call 0800 652 2861 or text 07887 625 277
You can also call NHS 111 and select option 2 for support in a mental health crisis.
Locality Services
- Newcastle Treatment and Recovery (NTaR): 0191 206 1117
- Northumberland Recovery Partnership (NRP): 01670 798 200
- North Tyneside Recovery Partnership (NTRP): 0191 640 0180
Recovery Group Newcastle
Fenham Library and Community Hub
Fenham Hall Drive
Newcastle Upon Tyne
NE4 9XDAll areas
Alcoholics Anonymous
Helpline: 0800 917 7650
Email: [email protected]
www.alcoholics-anonymous.org.ukNarcotics Anonymous United Kingdom
Helpline: 0300 999 1212
www.ukna.orgRoad to Recovery Trust – George Street Social
George Street Social
45 – 51 George Street
Newcastle Upon Tyne
NE4 7JNTelephone: 0191 691 5280
www.roadtorecoverytrust.org.ukThe Recovery College – ReCoCo
1 Carliol Square
Newcastle upon Tyne
NE1 6UFTelephone: 0191 261 0948
Email: [email protected]
www.recoverycoco.comA range of medication leaflets are available on the Trusts website:
www.cntw.nhs.uk/resource-library/choice-and-medicationYou have to fight through some bad days to earn the best days of your life.
Quote from previous service user
Foundation Trust Membership
As a member of our NHS Foundation Trust, you can be as active a member as you would like, from just receiving regular information about the Trust to getting involved in issues that you care about. The choice is yours!
To become a member, all you need to do is complete a membership application form or join online at www.cntw.nhs.uk/about/membership. Membership is free and members can also benefit from discounts for many shops and services.
Patient and carer involvement
The Trust values the involvement of service users, their carers and their families in making decisions about your care and recognises this can lead to better outcomes and a better overall experience. Imagine the benefits and value that your contributions could make in the design, delivery, and evaluation of our services.
The Involvement Service co-ordinate and facilitate service user and carer involvement, in specific short-term activities and projects, to ensure their needs are represented and reflected at the heart of everything we do. We have set up an Involvement Bank to help us do this work.
There are three levels to involvement which are:
Individual level – Ensuring you and the people who support you are at the centre of every aspect of care from assessment, through treatment to leaving a service. Increasing your control for recovery and wellbeing with a voice that is heard.
Ongoing development of services – Opportunities to be involved in forums, saying what’s working well and why, being part of ward and community meetings, sharing an understanding and awareness of what your personal experience has been and how this can help improve services.
In service change and service improvement – This is a more strategic level looking at service change such as transformation projects, commissioning of services, and service redesign.
Getting involved is easy, and how much you get involved is up to you. If you are interested in influencing how we work, the Guide to Involvement and the Involvement Bank registration form are available in hardcopy or online at: www.cntw.nhs.uk/involvement.
If you would like more information or support with registering, the Involvement Service we would love to hear from you:
Telephone: 01670 501 816
Email: [email protected] -
Tell us what you think about the Welcome Guide
We would like to know what you think about this Welcome Guide. Your views will help us to improve the pack.
We would be very grateful if you would take a couple of minutes to answer the questions below. Thank you.
What do you like about the Welcome Guide?
___________________________________________________________________________________________________________Is there anything that you do not like about the Welcome Guide?
___________________________________________________________________________________________________________Is there any other information that you would like included in the Welcome Guide?
___________________________________________________________________________________________________________Is there anything else you would like to tell us about the Welcome Guide?
___________________________________________________________________________________________________________Please return to: Patient Information Centre, St Nicholas Hospital or give to a member of staff
Contact details
North of Tyne Addictions Service at Gibside Ward
St Nicholas Hospital
Jubilee Road
Newcastle upon Tyne
NE3 3XTTelephone: 0191 245 6830
Information about content, other formats and version control
Further information about the content, reference sources or production of this leaflet can be obtained from the Patient Information Centre. If you would like to tell us what you think about this leaflet please get in touch.
This information can be made available in a range of formats on request (Braille, audio, larger print, easy read, BSL or other languages). Please contact the Patient Information Centre by telephone on 0191 246 7288.
Published by the Patient Information Centre
2024 Copyright: Cumbria, Northumberland, Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation TrustRef: PIC/913/1224 December 2024 V1
Website: www.cntw.nhs.uk
Telephone: 0191 246 7288Review date 2027