Peer Support Service
The Peer Support Service is staffed by people with lived experience of gender dysphoria and transition. We are based in Newcastle, but we provide outreach support from various locations across the region.
The Peer Support Service can offer support for those with an open referral to NRGDS. If you are not open to the service but would like to refer please see our Referral information page
The team facilitate both one-to-one and group sessions. We can meet in-person (either in Newcastle or, where possible, at a venue closer to you), via online consultation or on the telephone – whichever is most comfortable and convenient for you.
Please contact us by email [email protected] or telephone the admin team on 0191 287 6130 requesting us to get in touch with you.
When emailing us, please include your date of birth and address so we can locate you on our system, thank you.
Upcoming group sessions
Dungeons and Dragons
Thursday 20th, 2pm till 4pm, Newcastle
Dungeons and Dragons
Thursday 20th, 2pm till 4pm, Newcastle
Dungeons and Dragons
Thursday 17th, 2pm till 4pm, Newcastle
Dungeons and Dragons
Thursday 22rd, 2pm till 4pm, Newcastle
Dungeons and Dragons
Thursday 19th, 2pm till 4pm, Newcastle
Safety and accessibility of venues/outreach locations
Our sessions are open to anyone who is currently on the NRGDS waiting list. In order to ensure the safety of participants, we need you to book in advance and let us know you want to attend. You can do this by sending us an email to [email protected] detailing the dates/times of the session(s) you wish to join.
The venues we use for our outreach groups have been assessed for their safety and accessibility. This means that they will normally:
- Have gender neutral toilets
- Be easily reachable by public transport (bus, train, metro)
- Have staffed access points (reception, buzzer admission)
- Have lifts/ramps
- Have disabled parking nearby.
Once you have booked to attend a particular session, we will send you an email with full details of the venue, plus links to maps/other useful information about the site to help you plan your travel and to let you know what to expect when you arrive.
If you have any concerns regarding safety or accessibility, please don’t hesitate to contact us. Wherever possible, we will make any reasonable adjustments to ensure you are able to attend and participate.
Let us know how we can support you
Many of us are neurodivergent. The Peer Support Team is committed to supporting neurodivergent people to access the service. We understand that contacting us can be daunting and it is okay to be anxious or nervous, but please do get in touch and let us know how we can best support you. You can do this by emailing us at [email protected] or by calling 0191 287 6130 and leaving a message with our admin team. We will ring you back at a time convenient to you.
Please let us know what we can do to make an appointment for you as stress-free and positive as possible. This might include:
- What communication method do you prefer – written or verbal? You can submit your questions/requests for information in writing in advance and we can then go through this at the appointment, if this makes things easier or more manageable.
- Do you prefer a face-to-face or an online appointment?
- Do you have a preferred time of day you would like to meet?
- Do you have any hyper or hypo sensitivities? If so, how can we best adapt the environment to support you? For instance, do you need to wait in a quiet room before the appointment or have some time after we have talked to sit quietly before travelling home? Will walking about the building make things easier for you, rather than sitting in one room? Do you need to play with a fidget toy or engage in a simultaneous activity while talking, such as colouring or doing a puzzle?
- What are your normal coping mechanisms? Do you have a particular activity or comfort item that helps you? If so, we can support you in that activity and you can bring your comfort item along. You can take a break at any time to re-centre and de-stress before we carry on. You can tell us when and if you wish to continue. We can organise repeat meetings, if there are things you still need to talk about.
- Do you need to bring someone with you to support you? Or would you prefer to have the appointment alone?
We understand that neurodivergent people are not always able to make eye contact and that travelling to an appointment may have already made you nervous and anxious. We will give you time to ask and answer questions and do our best to make the environment as comfortable as possible for you.
What to do if you don’t hear from us after you get in touch
We are not an emergency service, so we are not always able to communicate with you immediately when you get in touch. However, we normally reply within five working days, so if you haven’t heard from us during that time, please check your spam folders to make sure nothing has been sent to the wrong box. You can also contact us again to make sure that we have the correct email for you.
Remember – if you change any of your contact information – mailing address, telephone number, email address – please send us an email to [email protected] and we will update our records.
Need information or have a question?
Check out our “Resources and support” page. There are links to lots of useful webpages and sources of information and support.
Looking for a local support group?
We have an interactive map which shows which organisations are working where in the North-east – plus contact information to find out more.
What we do
Our focus is on helping you achieve a sense of wellbeing – working with you to develop goals, strategies and action plans to improve your mental, physical and emotional health, so that you are in the best possible place when you attend for your assessment appointment.
Our aim is to bring transgender people together to create support networks, combat loneliness and isolation, exchange information, improve self-confidence and develop coping strategies and resilience.
We offer:
- a variety of opportunities to attend regular group sessions, either online or in-person, to discuss issues, meet new people, ask questions and share/find out information. Please see the Latest News section above for the dates/times of upcoming group sessions.
- the chance to talk 1-2-1 with one of our team, either online or in-person, to discuss anything that you personally may be struggling with or need some help/guidance on. We offer an initial 6 one hour sessions.
How can I be involved?
If you are interested in joining up with us, we need to add you to our distribution list, so we can send you invitations, updates and communications relevant to the Peer Support Service. You can be added to the list in the following ways:
- You can send your email address to: [email protected]
- You can write to us at: NRGDS Peer Support Service, Benfield House, Walkergate Park Hospital, Benfield Road, Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE6 4QD
When providing your contact details by email or letter, it would be extremely helpful if you can use the following wording:
“I consent for the NRGDS to use the following email/postal address to contact me with relevant information.”
If you can also provide your full name and date of birth, this will allow us to keep your records up-to-date and accurate.
You can be removed from the distribution list at any time by emailing or writing to us with your request.