A guide to group therapy – Patient information leaflet
This leaflet provides you with the information about group therapy sessions at the Regional Department of Psychotherapy at Benfield House, Newcastle.
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This leaflet provides you with the information about group therapy sessions at the Regional Department of Psychotherapy at Benfield House, Newcastle.
Information about the Accessible Information Standard and how patients and carers can request information and communication support in a way that they can understand.
This leaflet is to help you and/or your carer understand more about Amantadine. It tells you what it is used for, how and when to take it along with the benefits and side effects.
Helpful information on Beadnell Ward, a specialist regional facility for women experiencing psychological and emotional issues related to pregnancy, childbirth and early motherhood.
Information about botulinum toxin, how it works, how it's given, benefits and side effects.
Information on how to deal with bullying in hospital, what bullying is, examples of bullying, why people bully and what to do if you think you're being bullied.
This booklet, co-produced with carers has been designed to support carers to prepare to have conversations with care teams.
An introduction to the Cumbria, Northumberland, Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation Trust's Cognitive Analytic Therapy (CAT) Service. It outlines what the team offer and how to be referred.
CABIS is a small team of staff who specialise in neurological rehabilitation. They offer assessment and community based rehabilitation for people who have difficulties in their day to day life following an acquired brain injury or head injury.
Information about the team which provides specialised community and outpatient rehabilitation for people with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) and also offers support to families at any stage following diagnosis.