The progression of Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias
On this page you will find information provided by the Alzheimer's Society that you may find useful on the progression of Alzheimer's disease and other dementias.
Search our resources library for self help guides, patient information leaflets, mental health and wellbeing information that you may find useful.
On this page you will find information provided by the Alzheimer's Society that you may find useful on the progression of Alzheimer's disease and other dementias.
These leaflets will provide you with information on The Triangle of Care - a service which brings together carers, service users and professionals. It aims to promotes safety and recovery for people with mental health issues and to encourage their wellbeing by supporting and including their carers.
Four short videos to provide you with further information about the upper limb surgical assessment clinic.
- Complex hand and arm management when you have spasticity
- Who is in the clinic, what to expect and what next
- What surgery might I get, and what will happen?
- Hear from people who've had upper limb surgery
The toolkit was created together with people with learning disabilities, families, learning disability support staff, and healthcare professionals. It includes resources and approaches to support staff with end of life care planning with people with learning disabilities. The Victoria and Stuart Project is about finding the best ways to help people with learning disabilities plan for the end of their life, to make sure that people with learning disabilities get the right care and support when they are ill and going to die.
This leaflet contains information for parents and carers about the Therapeutic Assessment Group (TAG), part of the Complex Neurodevelopmental Disorders Service (CNDS). It contains information such as who will be working with your child, what sorts of things your child will do at the group and what the assessment sessions involve.
The Memory Assessment and Management Service provide a range of intervention groups. If one is suitable for you, one of our clinicians will discuss this you, and refer you to the group, if appropriate. If you are unable to attend, this resources may be helpful to you and your carers.
Information about how the Tobacco Dependency Treatment Service can help you to stop smoking.
On this page you will find information from NHS website on transgender health.
This leaflet provides information that you may find useful whilst attending the Physical Treatment Centre.