Tobacco Dependency Treament Service (Quit Team)

Information about how the Tobacco Dependency Treatment Service can help you to stop smoking.

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  • Why stop now?

    Our NHS recognises the harms of smoking which is why all hospitals across the North East and North Cumbria now provide treatment for tobacco dependency to any patient who smokes, as part of their hospital care. All hospitals in the North East and North Cumbria are now completely smoke-free which means no smoking anywhere on our hospital sites.

    The good news is there are now very good treatments available to help you manage your dependency while you are in hospital and if you wish to stop smoking long term.

    Please do not bring any cigarettes or tobacco products (including lighters) into the hospital as they will be removed by staff and safely stored for return at final discharge.

  • A new way to treat tobacco dependency

    With the right support, you’re more likely to succeed.

    If you’re a patient who smokes, we’re here to help.

    The Quit Team can support you whilst in hospital and after you leave. If you decide that now’s the time to stop smoking, you’re in good company; more and more smokers in the North East are now taking their first steps towards stopping whilst in hospital. With our help and support, you’re much more likely to stop successfully.

  • Let’s take a closer look at the support available to you

    Here’s our four step guide of what to expect when you come into hospital:

    1. We’ll start with a chat and ask you if you smoke, as part of our routine health check when you arrive.
    2. If you do smoke, you’ll be offered nicotine replacement products or an e-cigarette to help manage any cravings or withdrawal symptoms.
    3. A member of our specialist onsite Quit Team will visit you and discuss the treatment options and support available to you.
    4. We will work with you to agree a treatment plan for your stay in hospital. If you want to stop long-term, we can arrange and provide ongoing support and medication for when you go home. You can opt-out if you do not wish to have any further support.
  • Different treatments available to you

    • Lozenges
    • Inhalator
    • Nasal spray
    • Nicotine patches
    • Mouth spray
    • Mini lodges
  • Once you leave hospital

    Stopping smoking completely at any stage of life is the best thing you can do for your health.

    If you choose to stop long-term, support will be available to you even after you leave hospital.

    The Tobacco Dependency Advisor will arrange for you to continue to receive free support and nicotine replacement products or other stop smoking medications when you go home. This means you will be fully supported with access to medication and the specialist advice you need after you leave hospital.

    “ If you smoke, the single most important thing you can do is to stop. Getting the right specialist support is now part of your treatment in hospital.”

    Dr Ruth Sharrock, North East Respiratory Consultant


  • What are the benefits of stopping smoking?

    Stopping smoking increases your chances of living a longer life. It can take as little as 20 minutes for your body to start healing once you quit smoking:

    After 20 minutes – Your blood pressure and heart rate return to normal.

    After 8 hours – Nicotine and carbon monoxide levels in your blood half. Oxygen levels return to normal.

    After 48 hours Carbon monoxide has left the body. Your ability to taste and smell is greatly improved.

    After 72 hours Your breathing becomes easier and energy levels improve.

    After 2-12 weeks Blood is pumping through the heart and muscles and circulation improves.

    After 1 year The risk of a heart attack has halved.

    After 10 years The risk of dying from lung cancer has halved.

    Stopping smoking not only improves your physical health but is now known to improve your mental health and well-being by reducing symptoms of stress, anxiety and depression and improving your mood.

    For more information about how stopping smoking could improve your mental health and the impact this may have on any medication you are currently prescribed, please speak to a member of our ward staff.

  • Now's the time

    Ask your clinical team about the support available or email [email protected]