The Richardson Eating Disorder Service’s Intensive Day Service (IDS) is a specialist service based at Benfield House, Walkergate Park Hospital, which provides comprehensive assessment and treatment for eating disorders.
Who is it for?
The service is for men and women aged 18 and over living in the northern and southern part of the North East of England.
You may benefit from attending IDS if your eating disorder is impacting your physical and emotional wellbeing and you require additional support to what could be provided by a community eating disorder team. Being present at the day service allows for appointments from multiple staff such as dietetics, occupational therapy and psychology, as well as physical health monitoring, support with meals and snacks, and peer support through therapeutic groups.
In addition to attending our IDS, we also have a new model of care, IDS at Home, which, dependent on need, supports more homebased treatment. This would be something that would be discussed as part of your pre-attendance meeting.
Pre-attendance meeting
You will be given the opportunity to visit the day service prior to your attendance, to look around and to meet staff and other patients. A member of the team will meet with you to discuss timetables and expectations. They will also discuss your aims of treatment. You will also be given time with the dietitian to look at menus and choices during this visit; if this cannot be facilitated then they can arrange a phone call. If it is appropriate for you to attend day service, then the staff will support and encourage you to contribute to your care plan and you will receive copies of this.
Your treatment aims will be reviewed regularly in a multidisciplinary professional only meeting and outcomes shared.
How can I get referred
Referrals to our Day Service are accepted via the Community Adult Eating Disorder Service, Ward 31A (the Richardson Eating Disorder Service Specialist Eating Disorder Unit), other Specialist Eating Disorder Unit.