Richardson Eating Disorder Intensive Day Service
The Richardson Eating Disorder Intensive Day Service is a specialist service based at Benfield House, Walkergate Park Hospital, which provides comprehensive assessment and treatment for eating disorders. The service is for men and women aged 18 and over living in the northern and southern part of the North East of England.

This leaflet may not be reproduced in whole or in part, without the permission of Cumbria, Northumberland, Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation Trust
This leaflet will provide you with information that you may find useful whilst attending the service. If you are not sure about anything in this leaflet please ask a member of staff.
What is the Richardson Eating Disorder Intensive Day Service (REDS)?
The Richardson Eating Disorder Intensive Day Service is a specialist service based at Benfield House, Walkergate Park Hospital, which provides comprehensive assessment and treatment for eating disorders.
Who is it for?
The service is for men and women aged 18 and over living in the northern and southern part of the North East of England.
Why do I need to be here?
You may benefit from attending IDS if your eating disorder is impacting your physical and emotional wellbeing and require additional support to what could be provided by a community eating disorder team. Being present at the day service allows for appointments from multiple staff such as dietetics, occupational therapy and psychology, as well as physical health monitoring, support with meals and snacks, and peer support through therapeutic groups.
Pre-attendance meeting
You will be given the opportunity to visit the day service prior to your attendance, to look around and to meet staff and other patients. A member of the team will meet with you to discuss timetables and expectations. They will also discuss your aims of treatment. You will also be given time with the dietitian to look at menus and choices during this visit; if this cannot be facilitated then they can arrange a phone call. If it is appropriate for you to attend day service, then the staff will support and encourage you to contribute to your care plan and you will receive copies of this.
In order to promote recovery we advise that you attend full sessions. Our new IDS at home pathway offers opportunity for more intensive treatment in your home environment. This would be considered at your pre-attendance meeting and care planned if appropriate.
Your treatment aims will be reviewed regularly in a multidisciplinary professional only meeting and outcomes shared.
How often/long will I be here?
The length of attendance and number of sessions depends upon your personal needs, level of motivation and engagement with the programme. This will be discussed in your pre-attendance meeting and will be reviewed in a formal review of your care, usually after six weeks.
What will I be expected to do at REDS Intensive Day Service?
There is a timetabled programme that rotates approximately every six to eight weeks. This includes time for weekly therapy; therapeutic groups run by therapists, occupational therapists and nursing staff.
There is the expectation that you will attend prescribed groups and therapies and take part in the activities of the unit.
You are encouraged to take an active role around all meal and snack times. This includes attending sandwich group where all patients and supervising staff will make their lunch with support and supervision and will eat together. You will take part in cooking, preparing and serving evening meals alongside other patients and staff using recipes devised by the dietitian. All patients will take an active role in some/all parts of this process depending on their assessed needs.
You will be expected to attend on the days agreed, and if you are unable to attend, we ask that you inform us as soon as possible.
As the day service run group therapies, we request that patients respect each other and ensure confidentiality. We would discourage patients from engaging in unhelpful conversations e.g. weights, meal plans or progress.
We request that all patients and staff are respectful towards each other to enable a trusting and safe environment for all patients in order to promote recovery. We have a zero tolerance policy to violence and aggression, and the use of drugs and alcohol before or during attendance.
We would encourage you to remain engaged with your community team as they remain an important member in your care team and your treatment.
You will be expected to attend your care review held every four to six weeks as this will be the forum to review your progress with everyone involved in your care and treatment and discuss the next steps in your recovery. Patients find it helpful to attend their care reviews and you can invite family members/support network if you choose to.
There will be non-structured time at the day service to allow time for self-reflection and therapeutic activities.
Example timetables
Your timetable would be according to your individual care plan and the group timetable in place at the time, therefore your day may look different to the example timetables below.
Example timetable – morning
9am Breakfast
9.30am-10.30am Physical Health Monitoring Care Review
(approximately every six weeks)10.30am Snack/Post
11am Therapeutic Group
11.30am Supported Lunch Preparation
12 noon Lunch
12:30pm Post Meal
Example timetable – afternoon
12.30pm-2.30pm 1:1 Individual appointment (eg therapy/dietetics/OT)
2.30pm Snack/Post
3pm Book Club/Therapy Dog Visit
4pm Supported Evening Meal Preparation
5pm Evening Meal
5.30pm Post Meal
How will my physical health be monitored?
You will have your physical observations carried out at the day service. This will be carried out at a frequency agreed with you and your care team and will be regularly reviewed. This includes monitoring of blood pressure, temperature, heart rate and blood glucose. You will be weighed in light clothing. Other investigations may include bloods and ECG. If necessary, you may be referred for a bone scan. A member of the team will be happy to discuss these further with you. You may require a physical examination by our medical doctor.
Teaching, audit and research
We regularly have student nurses, occupational therapists, dietitians and trainee medical doctors and psychologists on placement in the day unit. If you are asked to contribute to their training, you will be asked for your consent.
REDS is committed to audit and research, to establish what treatment in most helpful for whom, and to ensure that the treatment we provide is effective. During your attendance you will be asked to complete questionnaires and other psychological measures. Whilst not completing these will not affect the treatment you are offered, you are unlikely to gain the most benefit from your attendance if you do not complete these measures.
Members of the team share information on a ‘need to know’ basis in order for them to carry out their jobs effectively. Patient information is kept confidential according to NHS policies and practices. There may be occasions when we need to share information with outside professionals who are involved in your care. If you are over 18 then we will not share information about you with family and carers without your permission, unless risk indicates otherwise. All members of the team write in your notes to record their contribution to your care plan. Under the Freedom of Information Act you have the right to access your notes.
If you require an interpreter staff can arrange to book an appointment. If you have any communication needs we need to be aware of e.g. dyslexia, then please discuss with a member of staff who would be happy to assist.
Travel information
The day service is accessible by either Metro or bus services. Please see website and contact details below for further details.
Contact Traveline Tel: 0871 200 22 33 or visit their website
Some benefits may qualify you for help with your travel costs to and from the day service. Please speak with a member of staff; you will be asked about this in your pre-attendance meeting.
What if I have a comment, suggestion, compliment or complaint about the service?
If you want to make a comment, suggestion, compliment or complaint you can:
- talk to the people directly involved in your care
- ask a member of staff for a feedback form, or complete a form on the Trust website
- telephone the Complaints Department Tel: 0191 245 6672
- email [email protected] Please note that information sent to the Trust via email is sent at your own risk
We are always looking at ways to improve services. Your feedback allows us to monitor the quality of our services and act upon issues that you bring to our attention. You can provide feedback in the following ways:- the quickest way for you to do this is to complete our short online survey at
- complete a Your Voice survey, available on wards, reception areas or from staff
- other options for sharing your feedback and experience
You can also provide feedback at community meetings, by completing a satisfaction questionnaire or using the suggestion box.Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS)
PALS provide confidential advice and support, helping you to sort out any concerns that you may have about any aspect of your or your loved ones care.We act independently when handling patient and family concerns, liaising with staff, managers and, where appropriate, relevant organisations, to negotiate prompt solutions. If necessary, we can also refer patients and families to specific local or national-based support agencies.
North of Tyne
Tel: 0800 032 0202
Email: [email protected]
Post: FREEPOST PALSSouth of Tyne
Tel: 0800 328 4397
Text: 07825 061 035
Email: [email protected]
Post: Patient Advice and Liaison Service, Garden Lodge, Hopewood Park, Ryhope, Sunderland, SR2 0NB9am – 4.30 pm, Monday to Friday
An answerphone is available at all times for you to leave a message. A member of the PALS team will aim to return your call as soon as possible. -
Useful contacts
BEAT Wensum House, 103 Prince of Wales Rd, Norwich, NR1 1DW
Helpline (England): 0808 801 0677
Helplines are open 365 days a year from 9am–12am during the week, and 4pm–12am on weekends and bank holidays.
E-mail support (England): [email protected]
The leading UK charity for people with eating disorders and families.BEAT Online Support Groups
- Swan (Anorexia): Swan groups are a confidential, inclusive and welcoming space for anyone with anorexia to share experiences with others in similar situations. You can attend as often as you like with no pressure to attend every time.
The Swan Anorexia Support Group runs on Monday and Thursday from 6.45pm to 8pm. - The Aviary (Carers): The Aviary is a confidential, inclusive and welcoming space for anyone that is supporting someone with an eating disorder. We welcome anyone supporting someone in their recovery. You can attend as often as you would like to, with no pressure to attend every time.
The Aviary runs on Sunday from 6.45 to 8pm. - Kingfisher (Bulimia): Kingfisher groups are a confidential, inclusive and welcoming space for anyone suffering with bulimia or who believes they may have bulimia to share experiences with others in similar situations. You can attend as often as you like with no pressure to attend every time.
The Kingfisher Bulimia Support Groups run on Wednesday and Saturday from 6.45pm to 8pm. - Nightingale (Binge Eating): Nightingale groups are confidential, inclusive, and welcoming spaces for anyone with concerns about binge eating disorder. The groups help you share experiences with others in similar situations. You can attend as often or as little as you like.
The Nightingale Binge Eating Disorder Support Group runs on Tuesday and Friday from 6.45pm to 8pm.
- The Sanctuary (Covid-19): The Sanctuary is an online chat group created specifically in response to coronavirus and the anxieties this could lead to for people with an eating disorder. It is a safe, online space for people with an eating disorder to share concerns and advice on how they are coping with the pandemic. Eating disorders thrive in isolation, so it is important to stay connected and support each other through this.
Unlike our other online groups, The Sanctuary is open daily from 5pm.
Eating Distress North East
Adamson House, 65 Westgate Rd, Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 1SG
Tel: 0191 221 0233
Email: [email protected]
Offers a non-medical environment in which people in the North East can explore and understand their difficulties with food and emotion.Friends and Family Group: EDNE offers a support group for friends and family (parents and carers) of people with eating distress. Further information and registration for this can be found on their website.
Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS)
Offers confidential on-the-spot advice and support to patients, relatives and carers, helping you to sort out any concerns you may have about NHS care, guiding you through the different services available from the NHS.
North of Tyne PALS, The Old Stables, Grey’s Yard, Morpeth, NE61 1QD
Freephone: 0800 032 02 02
Email: [email protected] - Swan (Anorexia): Swan groups are a confidential, inclusive and welcoming space for anyone with anorexia to share experiences with others in similar situations. You can attend as often as you like with no pressure to attend every time.
Contact details
Richardson Eating Disorder Intensive Day Service (REDS)
Benfield House (1st Floor)
Walkergate Park Hospital
Benfield Road
Newcastle upon Tyne
NE6 4QDTel: 0191 287 6196 or 0191 282 5259
Email: [email protected]
Please note that information sent to the Trust via email is sent at your own risk.Opening hours
The day service is open Monday to Friday 8.30am-6pm and is closed during public holidays. -
Information about content, other formats and version control
Further information about the content, reference sources or production of this leaflet can be obtained from the Patient Information Centre. If you would like to tell us what you think about this leaflet please get in touch.
This information can be made available in a range of formats on request (eg Braille, audio, larger print, easy read, BSL or other languages). Please contact the Patient Information Centre
Tel: 0191 246 7288Published by the Patient Information Centre
2024 Copyright, Cumbria, Northumberland, Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation Trust
Ref, PIC/766/0524 May 2024 V4 Tel: 0191 246 7288
Review date 2025