Resource library
Search our resources library for self help guides, patient information leaflets, mental health and wellbeing information that you may find useful.
Northern Region Gender Dysphoria Service (NRGDS) – Voice and Communication Therapy Information Leaflet
NRGDS offers Voice and Communication Therapy as part of their service for people who experience gender dysphoria related to their voice. This leaflet will provide more information about what the Voice and Communication Therapy journey is from referral to discharge.
Northern Region Gender Dysphoria Service referral forms
Northumberland and North Tyneside Initial Response Team
Information about the Initial Response Team provides 24 hour access to mental health care, advice, support and treatment. This service is for anyone who lives in Northumberland and North Tyneside who feels they need urgent mental health care or have an enquiry about their routine care.
Northumberland and North Tyneside Psychiatric Liaison Team – younger persons personalised patient information
The Psychiatric Liaison Team provides assessment of mental health, and treatment of any mental health problems, to people attending Northumbria Specalist Emergency Care Hospital (NSECH) and other hospitals in the Northumberland area. This leaflet has been developed for younger people.
Northumberland Head Injuries Service
Information about the Northumberland Head Injuries Service who offer a range of services for people who have sustained a traumatic brain injury, including rehabilitation and social care. The service is available to residents from Northumberland of the age of 16 years and over.
Northumberland Learning Disability Community Treatment Team, mental health and well being pathway – Information for service users and carers
Easy read information about Northumberland Learning Disability Community Treatment Team, mental health and wellbeing pathway who work with adults who have a learning disability, their families and carers.
Northumberland Older Adult Teams – Patient information leaflet
Information about the Northumberland Older Adult Teams who provide a wide range of support for people, usually over the age of 65, seeking specialist advice for a mental health difficulty. They work with people who need more specialist assessment or intensive treatment than their GP or other health worker is able to give.
Northumberland Older Age Community Pathway – Dementia Diagnosis Care Home Project
Leaflet which provides information about care home memory assessment team to help improve identification and diagnosis of dementia in care homes across Northumberland
Northumberland Recovery Partnership – Service user information leaflet
An Information leaflet about Northumberland Recovery Partnership (NRP) which is a dedicated service for anyone in Northumberland experiencing problems with drugs and alcohol. Service provided by Cumbria, Northumberland, Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation Trust and Waythrough