A message from the Corporate Affairs, Membership and Engagement Team
Welcome to your first Membership e-Newsletter of 2024! We are now two months in and we are already so excited for the year ahead. It is Darren Best’s first full year as Chair of the Council of Governors and Board of Directors (he recently did an interview with The Chronicle which you can read here) , we also have two new appointed Governors joining us on the Council, Bea Groves-McDaniel, Appointed Community and Voluntary Services Governor and Sithandazile (Star) Ncube, Appointed Governor for Northumbria University.
You can view a photo list of the full Council via this link, if you wish to contact any of our Governors please email [email protected]
In December following the recruitment process for two new Non-Executive Directors the Council of Governors successfully appointed Vikas Kumar and Rachel Bourne to help fill the skills and experience gaps identified within the Board. Vikas brings experience of the Third/Public sector and Rachel has lived experience as a Service User within CNTW to help corroborate Service User and Carers voices at Board Level.
Over February and March we also see many of the usual National Awareness events taking place which we always wish to highlight as someone may find the support they need through one of these very important dates.
Time to Talk Day 2nd February 2024
This years’ Time to Talk Day may have already been and gone, but we must remember the important messages that are shared are not just fixed to this one date but are to be shared and embraced all year long to help get people talking about mental health. Talking about mental health isn’t easy. But a conversation has the power to change lives.
Time to Talk Day is run by Mind and Rethink Mental Illness, in partnership with the Co-op.
The more conversations we have, the better life is for everyone. Talking about mental health isn’t always easy and sometimes it’s even harder to say how you really feel. But a conversation has the power to change lives.
Please visit the Time to Talk website here for advice and resources on how you could start a conversation around mental health.
Eating Disorders Awareness Week (EDAW) 26th February – 3rd March 2024
For this year’s EDAW ‘Beat Eating Disorders’ is shining a light on a health condition that doesn’t always get the attention it deserves, Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID).
ARFID is a largely unknown and misunderstood eating disorder. ARFID can have serious consequences for health if left untreated.
The number of people affected by ARFID is unknown. Treatment is not available nationwide and people with ARFID, or who suspect they may have it, struggle to access the help they need.
Which is why it is important that this condition is highlighted and spoken about. You can follow the campaign and find out more information about ARFID by visiting their website here.
Young Carers Action Day 13th March 2024
This is an important day in the calendar to raise awareness and create action for young carers and young adult carers.
One in three young carers struggle to balance their caring responsibilities with education, missing out on opportunities to learn, earn and thrive.
This year’s theme is ‘Fair Futures for Young Carers’, highlighting how young people with caring responsibilities are significantly less likely to undertake higher education or enter employment than their peers without caring responsibilities.
Find out more about Young Carers Action Day over on the Carers Trust website here.
You can also see a full calendar of campaigns and awareness days over on the NHS Employer’s website to help you decide if there are any you wish to take part in/support during 2024: https://www.nhsemployers.org/events/calendar-national-campaigns