Your lifestyle
Young Minds – mental health information resources
A range of mental health resources for young people and parents. Covering topics such as feelings, mental health conditions, medications and support.
Your rights as an informal patient
This leaflet aims to provide you with information on your rights as an informal patient after being admitted to hospital.
Yewdale Ward – Patient Information Leaflet
Yewdale Ward is an urgent care inpatient ward based at West Cumberland Hospital in Whitehaven, Cumbria. The service is for men and women over the age of 18 years who are experiencing a relapse or crisis regarding their mental wellbeing and require inpatient admission.
Your online consultation
Instructions on how to use the online consultation video call. Includes QR code to BSL instructions.
Your guide to emergency health care plans
This guide is coproduced by Inclusion North’s Stop People Dying Too Young Group, the North East and North Cumbria Learning Disability Network, the NHS North East and North Cumbria Clinical Networks and the Integrated Care System
Young carers video – Think about the young carer in your life
Young carers video - Think about the your care in your life