Richardson Eating Disorder Service – Specialist Service (Ward 31A – Royal Victoria Hospital, Newcastle) – CNTW042

What is Ward 31A?

The Richardson Eating Disorder Service’s specialist eating disorder unit, Ward 31A, is a specialist inpatient ward based at the Royal Victoria Infirmary in Newcastle, which provides comprehensive assessment and treatment for eating disorders and is part of Cumbria, Northumberland, Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation Trust.

The service is for men and women aged 18 and over living in the North East and North Cumbria.

Why do I need to be here?

You may benefit from an inpatient admission if your eating disorder is impacting your physical and emotional wellbeing, and you require additional support to that provided by our Intensive Day Service or from a community eating disorder team.

The length of stay depends upon your personal needs but would normally be expected to last between 3-4 months. The care team will involve you fully in discussion about this.

Your treatment aims will be agreed between yourself and the multidisciplinary team and reviewed regularly.

Who are we?

The staff caring for you include a team of doctors, nurses, dietitians, psychiatrists, nurse therapists, psychologists, occupational therapists, support workers and administrative staff.

The team will help you to identify your needs and plan with you the most effective treatment to help you to improve your health, address psychological difficulties and return to your home environment. The members of staff involved in your care will introduce themselves and make time to talk about how they will work with you. Members of the nursing staff will introduce you to the daily routines and activities of the Ward.

Pre-admission meetings

Whenever possible, a pre-admission meeting will be arranged to agree aims and goals and a treatment plan prior to your admission to the unit. If this is not possible e.g., if you are too unwell, live too far away or are on a medical ward elsewhere in the region, we will contact you by phone and will also contact professionals involved in your care for information.

How can I get referred

Patients are referred to the ward from the Richardson Eating Disorder Service Intensive Day Service or Community Adult Eating Disorder Service. You cannot self-refer to the unit or be directly referred from your GP, A&E, or a medical ward.



Ward 31a Royal Victoria Infirmary Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 4LP

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