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Elsdon is a rehabilitation service based in Sycamore at Northgate Park, which is part of Secure Care Services, within Cumbria, Northumberland, Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation Trust. It has 12 beds which include two enhanced care areas; these are purpose built flats, which provide a safe space for people who need additional support.
Elsdon provides assessment, care and treatment for mental health problems for those who require a longer period within the service. The focus within this service is rehabilitation. This 12 bed unit is for men who have come into contact with the law, and/or are thought to be a risk to others or themselves.
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Elsdon at Sycamore Unit, Northgate Park provides assessment, care and treatment for mental health problems, for those who require a longer period within the service, the focus within this service is habilitation.
Information for families, friends and carers about Sycamore Unit, at Northgate Park which provides secure inpatient services.
Information how to access the visitors flat at Sycamore Unit, Northgate Park.
This leaflet provides you with information about the sport, exercise and physical activities available at Sycamore and Northgate Park. It explains the benefits of exercise and how much you should be doing.