Stevie Matthews has been volunteering in the Covid-19 vaccination centre at St George’s Park. She shares how she felt being part of the biggest vaccine roll-out in NHS history.
“An email went to all volunteers asking if we would like to volunteer at one of the Trust’s vaccination sites and I knew I wanted to help.
“I have helped as a marshal, directing people to the next available vaccinator and then into the post-vaccination observation room. This involved asking people to monitor their ‘rest time’ and ensure they had hand sanitiser when leaving. Volunteers also assisted in general sanitising of the vaccination area ‘touch spots’ at regular intervals.
“My first impression of the clinic was how professional all the staff were. They were also very friendly and reassured anyone who was anxious about the vaccine. There was also always a doctor or senior pharmacist on hand for help and advice.
“Everyone worked so well together which is a great asset in what has been a strange and difficult time. As a volunteer, I felt very much at home. Everyone had such a caring attitude, and I was made to feel like I really belonged and wasn’t just a spare part.
“I was able to receive my vaccine at the Trust. The vaccinators are amazing and will give you all the support you need.
“For anyone who might be anxious about getting the vaccine, I would say listen to the medical advice. Don’t listen to a ‘friend of a friend’ who might have had a bad experience. We are all totally different and respond to medicines differently. It is a small price to pay to protect your life and the lives of others.
“I’ve been a volunteer at St George’s Park since October 2019. Normally, I work as a Ward Support Volunteer on Kinnersley Ward and attend services for patients in the chapel but this changed due to the pandemic. At the moment, I shop for patients who require personal items.”