SHINE, part of Cumbria, Northumberland, Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation Trust (CNTW) has relaunched to support individuals receiving care and treatment in its hospitals and community services.
The charity, which was established in 2014, helps support people accessing mental health, learning disabilities and neuro-rehabilitation services by providing the extra things that can make a real difference.
Funds from SHINE have supported service users with everything from horse-riding outings to gardening tools and equipment, bikes, bean bags, summer activities for young people, and even Christmas decorations for our wards.
The funding from SHINE does not replace the money used to fund care. Instead, it helps to provide ‘little extras’ – therapeutic activities or items of comfort to assist with people’s care, treatment or rehabilitation, generally helping them live happier, fuller lives.

The charity relaunch planned for 18 September 2023 has already received lots of support including a charity single recorded by two members of staff at St Nicholas Hospital, Gosforth. The song, which is called ‘Where Hope Begins’ was inspired by the end of the Covid pandemic which had a huge impact on the pair and the people they work alongside in the NHS. The theme of the song is about the return of hope and helping to support treatment and recovery.
The musical duo work as cleaners at St Nicholas Hospital and the idea for the song came about in the midst of the pandemic during socially distanced breaktime chats. Peter Prest, who has been working at the hospital for 26 years, wrote the lyrics and Paul Hewitson, with almost a decade on the same site, wrote the song itself. You can find out more about Where Hope Begins and how you can support and donate.
The charity has also received support from companies such as Starbucks, Morrisons, Big Bear Promo and Barratt Housing and is encouraging other companies to get involved in its fundraising activities in aid of supporting SHINE.
Sharon Brennan, Marketing Manager at CNTW NHS Foundation Trust, said: “We are incredibly grateful to everyone who raises money for SHINE. Every penny we are able to fundraise goes towards supporting our service users and carers in their treatment and recovery.”
There are lots of ways to get involved, visit our website for ideas and support for fundraising activities www.cntw.nhs.uk/SHINE