NHS staff across Tyneside are supporting the regions foodbanks this Christmas.
Staff at Northumberland, Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation Trust (NTW), a provider of mental health and disability services have arranged collection points at all seven of their main hospital sites and are busily collecting essential items to support the regions foodbanks.
Staff have been digging deep and donating food and all kinds of essentials that many of us take for granted, but can make a huge difference to those who are homeless or are living on the breadline.
As well as donating essential items for the foodbanks, some staff have also been collecting money at meetings. At a large engagement event staff collected over £100 for the foodbanks.
Thank you to everyone who has so far donated to our Crisis at Christmas campaign. It’s heart-warming to see everyone’s kindness and compassion and know that the generosity of our staff can help towards making the world a kinder place.
Our staff are doing an amazing job donating toiletries, food, small treats, and chocolate but the local foodbanks could do with all the help they can in this time of poverty and uncertainty.
Adele JoiceyCommunications Lead
Foodbanks rely on all of our support, so why not buy something extra this week when you do your shopping and help someone who is less fortunate than you.