The Early Intervention in Psychosis service works with young people who are experiencing a first episode of psychosis. The service offers help to people aged 14-65 years who are experiencing first symptoms of psychosis, as well as providing help to their families.
The support received from this service can help patients recover from a psychotic episode. It can also help reduce the likelihood of experiencing further psychotic episodes in the future.
The service is made up of a team of professionals (including nurses, psychologists, psychiatrists, occupational therapists and social workers employed as care co-ordinators) who have lots of experience in working with people with psychosis.
How to get referred
We are happy to accept letters, emails or telephone calls from anyone (GP, teacher, employer, self, family) who is concerned that a person is experiencing a suspected first episode of psychosis, the person being referred must have consented to the referral and it would be helpful to a brief summary of concerns.
Full referral information can be found below in the ‘Information For Referrers’ resource.