Criminal Justice Liaison and Diversion Service – CNTW063

The Criminal Justice Liaison and Diversion Service offers advice and support for people with a mental illness or learning difficulty who are involved in the criminal justice system. Practitioners are registered mental health or learning disability nurses employed by Cumbria, Northumberland, Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation Trust who work closely with police and court staff.

Police station and court hours

  • Middle Engine Lane police station 7am-7pm, 7 days a week
  • Forth Banks police station 7am-7pm, 7 days a week
  • Southwick police station 7am-7pm,  7 days a week
  • South Tyneside police station 7am-3pm, Monday to Friday
  • Bedlington court 8am-4pm, Monday to Friday
  • South Tyneside court 8am-4pm, Monday to Friday

How can I get referred?

Referral is through Custody Officers, court, probation or legal service. You can also self refer.

Domestic Abuse Perpetrator Intervention Service

Works into pre-existing domestic abuse support services for perpetrators of high risk, high impact domestic abuse. The service offers assessment and where appropriate signposting and or support/intervention and works across the six local authority areas – Sunderland, North Tyneside, South Tyneside, Gateshead, Northumberland and Newcastle.


0191 246 7275

0191 223 2881


St Nicholas Hospital Jubilee Road Gosforth Newcastle upon Tyne NE3 3XT

Opening Times

Monday 7am – 7pm Tuesday 7am – 7pm Wednesday 7am – 7pm Thursday 7am – 7pm Friday 7am – 7pm Saturday 7am – 7pm Sunday 7am – 7pm

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