Preventing Falls – Advice in your own home

Information leaflet to provide you with information and advice to prevent a fall in your own home or place of usual residence.

This leaflet may not be reproduced in whole or in part, without the permission of Cumbria, Northumberland, Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation Trust

  • Introduction

    The aim of this leaflet is to provide you with information and advice to prevent a fall in your own home or place of usual residence.

    If you have any questions please speak to a Health Care Professional visiting you or your GP.

  • Falls prevention and advice

    • Always wear well-fitting footwear. Flat shoes or slippers that fit well especially around the back are recommended.

    • Have regular chiropody if needed to prevent painful feet and difficulty walking due to long toe nails or corns.

    • Have annual eye tests in order that your vision is good with glasses if required to aid your balance.

    • Keep as active as you can. Continue any exercises that the Physiotherapist has recommended and don’t sit for long periods at a time. Stand up and have a short walk at regular intervals, perhaps every hour to maintain circulation and prevent joint stiffness.

    • Keep your home hazard free. Remove loose rugs or mats which may cause you to trip and make sure other hazards such as cables and clutter are kept out of the way. If you have a small pet always keep them in sight so you don’t trip over them.

    • Check your medication regularly with your GP family doctor.

    • Eat and drink regular meals. Try and eat a balanced diet and make sure you have enough to drink, this can include tea and coffee, soft drinks and milk but limit your alcohol intake due to the dulling effect this can have, making you less alert and have difficulty with balance.

    • Get help with tasks such as changing light bulbs, curtains and other items that are difficult to reach.

    • Before getting out of bed switch a table light on and allow a few minutes before standing up to avoid dizziness.

    • Always use your walking aid as advised by the Physiotherapist.

    • Always use a non-slip bathmat and bath aids as advised by the Occupational Therapist. You may require help with bathing – wait for the help if it is recommended for you.

  • Coping advice if you should fall at home

    • Call for help – use your pendant alarm if you have one or if not then try to use the telephone if possible.
    • Keep warm – use a blanket, or towel to cover yourself if you can.
    • Shout and bang on the wall or floor – use your walking stick or other object if this helps.

  • Other recommendations

    Contact Age UK in your local area to access information about various advice to prevent falls or activity groups that you can attend to maintain a healthy active lifestyle

    Age UK Sunderland – 0191 514 1131
    Age UK South Tyneside – 0191 456 6903
    Age UK Newcastle upon Tyne – 0191 232 6488
    Age UK Gateshead – 0191 477 3559
    Age UK North Tyneside – 0191 280 8484
    Age UK Northumberland – 01670 784 800

  • Information about content, other formats and version control

    Further information about the content, reference sources or production of this leaflet can be obtained from the Patient Information Centre. If you would like to tell us what you think about this leaflet please get in touch.

    This information can be made available in a range of formats on request (eg Braille, audio, larger print, easy read, BSL or other languages). Please contact the Patient Information Centre
    Tel: 0191 246 7288

    Published by the Patient Information Centre

    2022 Copyright, Cumbria, Northumberland, Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation Trust

    Ref, PIC/681/0222 February 2022 V5 Tel: 0191 246 7288

    Review date 2025