Patients Finance Department
This leaflet tells you about the services that are available from the Patients’ Finance Department and how we can help you with your finances during your stay in hospital.

This leaflet may not be reproduced in whole or in part, without the permission of Cumbria, Northumberland, Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation Trust
This leaflet tells you about the Patients’ Finance Department within the Trust and what we can do to help you with your finances during your stay in hospital.
Safekeeping of your money and valuable property
If you bring money or valuable property into hospital, please speak to a nurse if you wish to have it securely stored by the Trust. If you hand any money or valuable property in for safekeeping you will be given a receipt. Some ward bedrooms have a safe you can use but this should just be used to keep small amounts of cash in.
Hospital bank account
You can:
• deposit and withdraw your money
• have your benefits paid into your hospital bank account
• transfer money from your personal bank account to your hospital bank account
• pay your bills from your hospital bank account eg. rent, gas, electric or any other regular payments that you need to make
• we can order goods on-line using money from your hospital bank account eg. CDs, clothing -
Benefit advice
The Patients’ Finance Department can help to signpost you to online services if you need benefit advice.
Benefit overpayments
Certain benefits, eg Attendance Allowance, Disability Living Allowance and Personal Independence Payments are affected by you coming into hospital so you need to tell the Department of Work and Pensions if your stay is more than 28 days.
Travelling expenses
We may be able to help you with travelling expenses if you are receiving certain benefits, please ask a member of our team for details.
Site information
Cashiers offices are located in the following hospitals:
• Carleton Clinic
• Ferndene
• Hopewood Park
• Monkwearmouth Hospital
• Northgate Hospital
• St Georges Park
• St Nicholas Hospital
• Walkergate ParkOther sites have facilities to access cash, please ask nursing staff for details or ring the Central Patients’ Finance Department.
Contact information
Central Patients’ Finance Department
St Nicholas Hospital
Jubilee Road
Newcastle upon Tyne
Tel: 0191 246 7215 or 0191 246 7216
Email: [email protected]You can ring us with your enquiries or, if you prefer, ask a member of ward staff to ring us on your behalf with your queries
An answer phone service is also in operation when the office is closed, simply leave your name, telephone number and message and your call will be returned as soon as possible.
What if I have a comment, suggestion, compliment or complaint about the service?
If you want to make a comment, suggestion, compliment or complaint you can:
• talk to the people directly involved in your care
• ask a member of staff for a feedback form, or complete a form on the Trust website
• telephone the Complaints Department Tel: 0191 245 6672
• email [email protected] Please note that information sent to the Trust via email is sent at your own riskWe are always looking at ways to improve services. Your feedback allows us to monitor the quality of our services and act upon issues that you bring to our attention.
You can provide feedback in the following ways:
– the quickest way for you to do this is to complete our short online survey at
– complete a Points of You survey, available on wards, reception areas or from staff
– other options for sharing your feedback and experience Advice and Liaison Service (PALS)
PALS provide confidential advice and support, helping you to sort out any concerns that you may have about any aspect of your or your loved ones care.We act independently when handling patient and family concerns, liaising with staff, managers and, where appropriate, relevant organisations, to negotiate prompt solutions. If necessary, we can also refer patients and families to specific local or national-based support agencies.
Tel: 0800 032 0202
Email: [email protected]
Post: FREEPOST PALSSouth of Tyne
Tel: 0800 328 4397
Text: 07825 061 035
Email: [email protected]
Post: Patient Advice and Liaison Service, Garden Lodge, Hopewood Park, Ryhope, Sunderland, SR2 0NB9.00 am – 4.30 pm, Monday to Friday
An answerphone is available at all times for you to leave a message. A member of the PALS team will aim to return your call as soon as possible. -
Other formats, references and review
Further information about the content, reference sources or production of this leaflet can be obtained from the Patient Information Centre. If you would like to tell us what you think about this leaflet please get in touch.
This information can be made available in a range of formats on request (eg Braille, audio, larger print, easy read, BSL or other languages). Please contact the Patient Information Centre Tel: 0191 246 7288
Published by the Patient Information Centre
2024 Copyright, Cumbria, Northumberland, Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation Trust
Ref, PIC/587/0124 January 2024 V6 Tel: 0191 246 7288
Review date 2027