Welcome Guide – Ferndene

This guide provides you with information that you will find useful during your stay at Ferndene, it tells you about the staff, the ward, the treatments and therapies available to you.

  • Welcome

    This is your welcome guide to Ferndene. The nursing team will discuss this welcome guide with you and answer any questions that you have.

    Ferndene is an inpatient service/unit that provides specialist assessment and treatment for young people with complex mental health, behavioural, and emotional needs – including learning disabilities. Depending on your needs, you will be supported on different ‘pathways of care’ during your admission at Ferndene.

    Ferndene is made up of:
    Riding Low secure Unit (LSU) : a 6 bedded unit for young persons with learning disabilities or suffering with their mental health who require a more intensive longer stay in hospital.

    Riding Psychiatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU): a four-bed unit providing Psychiatric Intensive Care.

    Redburn General Adolescent Unit (GAU): a ten-bed unit providing comprehensive assessment and treatment for patients.

    Stephenson Medium Secure Unit (MSU): a seven-bed unit providing comprehensive assessment and treatment for patients who require high levels of supervision in a secure environment.

  • The Trust Values

    The Trust values the very important role of family and friends caring for children and young people who use our services. We believe that carers, as well as yourself, should be involved in decisions about your care and treatment and we will talk to you more about this while you are at Ferndene.

    We are caring and compassionate…
    because that is how we’d want others to treat those we love.

    We are respectful…
    because everyone is of equal value, is born with equal rights and is entitled to be treated with dignity. We want to protect the rights of future generations and the planet that sustains us all.

    We are honest and transparent…
    because we want to be fair and open, and to help people make informed decisions.

  • When I arrive

    You will be met by the nurse in charge. They will help you understand why you are here and what will happen during your stay. You will be asked some questions that will help the nurses to care for you.

    Staff will show you around the ward and, when you feel ready, they will introduce you to other young people and staff. One of the nursing staff will stay with you until you have settled in and will answer any questions you have about the ward. Ferndene’s reception is in a separate building called the Activities Resource Centre (ARC). This building has a café, sports hall, gym, and several therapy and education pods. Once you’ve had some time to settle in, staff will give you a tour of these.

    Your nurse will contact your family/carer to answer any questions they might have, as well as supporting you to stay in contact with them. The care team have access to Wi-Fi to support you maintaining contact with your friends and family.

    You will be given a copy of this welcome guide and advised who your named nurse will be. They will introduce you to the ward and talk to you about:

    • Bedrooms, toilets, bathrooms, and lounges
    • Storing your personal belongings
    • Using the telephone

    There is a lot of information in this guide, you may want to read a little bit at a time. Don’t worry about trying to remember everything and ask staff if you have any questions.

  • What will my bedroom be like?

    Everyone has their own bedroom with an attached shower room. There are also baths on the ward which you can access if preferred. You can decorate your room with appropriate posters, however we need to provide bed coverings.

    You can tidy your room during free time. Your shower room will be cleaned for you, domestic staff will do this daily.

    One of the nursing team will help you unpack when you first arrive and will make a list of everything you have brought with you. For safety reasons, only some personal belongings can be kept in your room. Other personal belongings are kept in safe storage on the ward and can be accessed with support from staff.

    Each bedroom has Oxevision. The Oxevision system checks your breathing and pulse without the need for someone to disturb you. If you would like more information, please ask staff for a copy of the Oxevision patient information leaflet.

  • Other ward areas

    On the ward, you will also have access to communal areas such as a games room, art room, and lounges. Each ward is slightly different, but they all have quiet rooms if you would like a calm area to spend time in.

  • What will I bring?

    You can bring your own clothes to the hospital.

    Each ward has its own laundry room with a washing machine and tumble dryer.

    You will be able to wash and dry your own clothes. If you have not done this before we will help you learn these skills.

    Your clothes can also be taken home to be washed if preferred.

    You will need to bring your own toiletries including:
    • toothbrush
    • toothpaste
    • things to wash or shower with
    • any other toiletries you like to use

    If you do not have access to these things, we will be able to provide some for you. We also provide towels, just ask any of the staff on the ward and they will get some for you.

  • What should I not bring?

    • Anything very expensive
    • Pets (though they can visit)
    • Anything that is not age appropriate

    This is not a full list; ward staff will give further advice about the other items not allowed.

    Sometimes, room searches can be carried out to check for items that are not allowed on the ward. This is to ensure everyone’s safety and will only be done when necessary.

  • Our Trust sites are smokefree

    All of our Trust sites are now completely smokefree which means that you and your visitors are not allowed to smoke anywhere on our sites. This means both indoors and on our Trust grounds. This is part of our approach to support service users and staff to achieve a healthy lifestyle and reduce the harmful effects of smoking.

    Smoking materials are prohibited
    Smoking materials are not allowed on Trust sites. If you come into hospital with tobacco products, cigarettes, lighters, or matches, they will need to be given to staff. Visitors are asked not to bring these items onto the ward.

    Cigarettes and tobacco products will be returned to you on discharge from the ward on request, lighters and matches will be destroyed. Alternatively, they can be given to a family member or carer to take home with them. These items will not be given back to you for any periods of leave from the ward.

    Smoking on Trust sites
    Smoking anywhere on Trust sites is a breach of the law (the Smoke Free Regulations). Doing so may result in a fine of up to £200. Helping us to maintain this policy protects other service users, staff, and the care environment.

    E-cigarettes (vapes)
    Vaping is not permitted in any children’s and young people’s service. If you use an e cigarette/vape you will not be allowed this. You will need to hand over your E cigarette/vape to staff, alternatively this can be given to a family member/carer (aged 18 or over) to take home.

    Support to stay smokefree
    If you do smoke or vape, you will be seen by a member of the Tobacco Dependency Treatment service who will offer you support. You may be offered nicotine replacement products such as patches, inhalators, and lozenges to help with nicotine withdrawal and cravings to smoke.

  • Assessment

    Soon after arriving, a doctor will check your physical health. They will ask you questions about yourself.

    The doctor may do some tests like:
    • listening to your heart and lungs
    • taking your blood pressure
    • checking your ears and eyes

    This information will be used to help plan your treatment.

  • Planned 1:1 sessions

    You can expect to meet with your named nurse on a regular basis. You can talk about issues that are important to you.

    These may include:
    • Care plans
    • Changes in your mood, thoughts, and feelings
    • Medication and any side effects
    • Leave outside of Ferndene

  • What choices do I have?

    You will be involved in discussions about your care and treatment. For your safety, staff may need to prevent you from leaving the ward or insist that you take medication. These decisions will only be made in your best interest. You can meet with an independent advocate to share your views and they will help you understand your rights.

  • What is a care plan?

    A care plan is a summary of the care you require and how we will provide this. It might include things like your medication and your physical health needs. You will be involved in developing your care plan and will be given a copy of it to keep. This will be updated regularly.

  • Care Programme Approach (CPA) review?

    A CPA review is a meeting to talk about your needs and to check they are being met. They are held regularly, and you will be included and updated of these by your care team. You (or anyone involved in your care) can ask for a review. If you feel that a review is needed, talk to your named nurse.

  • What is a risk management plan?

    Your risk management plan will summarise situations and/or activities which may be unsafe for either you or those around you. This plan will be based on your experiences both before and since admission.

    This may mean that you will not be able to do things that you would like to do, but staff will help you understand why. Your risk management plan will say how staff can best support you, manage these risks, and keep you and others safe.

  • Mental Health Act

    The Mental Health Act 1983 is designed to keep a young person who is experiencing serious mental distress safe.

    You will be informed about your rights. We will talk to you and your family/carers about this and give you a leaflet.

    Your right to appeal will be explained. If this is something you want to do, staff will help to guide you through the process or speak to your independent advocate.

  • Sharing information with carers

    Family, friends, and carers play an essential role in supporting people. The Trust has a Carer Promise and a Carer Card which can provide information and support. Please ask staff for a copy of the Carer Promise leaflet. Carer resources are available at www.cntw.nhs.uk/carers

    When it is appropriate to do so, we will share agreed information about your care and treatment with your carer. We will also provide them with information about care plans, medication, and advice on managing an emergency. It is your choice to consent to this or not.

  • Your ward team

    The Ward Manager is in charge of the ward. They are responsible for the operational running of the ward.

    The Specialist Nurse works alongside the ward manager and takes care of the overall clinical need on the ward.

    Mental health and learning disability nurses are responsible for planning and providing support and care to people who have a range of mental health or learning needs.

    Nursing assistants also provide support to the young people and help with the clinical duties of the ward. This could involve things like accompanying young people on leave or providing support in the dining room at mealtimes.

    Activities facilitators plan and facilitate activities, leave and opportunities for social engagement. These could be group or individual activities and could be based on the ward, hospital site or in the local area.

    Peer supporters use their own lived experience to support the young person and promote recovery. Every peer supporter does it differently, but with the shared goal of making sure your voice is heard and you feel understood.

    The staff team will make sure your care and treatment are of a high standard. All the team will support you and be involved in caring for you. Each staff member will wear a different colour uniform depending on their job role. If you want a key that explains these colours, please ask staff.

  • Other staff involved in your care could be:

    • Activity Lead
    • Allied Health Professional
    • Assistant Practitioners
    • Arts or Music Therapist
    • Chaplain
    • Clinical Case Manager
    • Consultant Psychiatrist
    • Dentist
    • Dietician
    • Domestic staff
    • Family Ambassador
    • GP
    • Independent Advocate
    • Occupational Therapist
    • Pharmacist
    • Physiotherapist
    • Podiatrist
    • Psychiatrist
    • Psychologist
    • Reception staff
    • Senior House Officer (SHO)
    • Speech and Language Therapist
    • Sports and Fitness Practitioner
    • Systemic Family Therapist
    • Teachers
    • Ward Clerk/Secretarial staff

  • What will I eat?

    All of the wards have a list of the meals that will be available each day. These menus will be shared with you three days in advance so meals can be pre-ordered. If you would like them to, the nursing staff will help you with this. When necessary, a dietitian will be involved in these decisions.

    There is a dining room for you to eat your meals.

    You can bring in your own food if desired, and snacks and drinks can be purchased from the ARC. Staff will help you make balanced choices.

    Only sealed food items can be brought into Stephenson Medium Secure Unit.

    If you have any dietary requirements, please discuss these options with a member of staff.

    We have menus which are suitable for:
    • Vegan
    • Vegetarians
    • Soft/easy chew/pureed
    • Halal
    • Kosher
    • Gluten free

  • Mealtimes

    Mealtimes are usually around:
    • Breakfast: 8:30am (weekends are later)
    • Lunch: 12pm
    • Tea-time: approx. 5pm
    • Supper: 9pm

  • Structured day

    During your stay, staff will meet with you to plan and organise a weekly range of social, recreational, and vocational activities.

    The structured day is your individual programme which is tailored to meet your needs throughout your week.

    This will allow you to take part in a range of sessions such as:
    • Therapy
    • Education and training
    • Recreational leisure

    As part of your care, you will be able to attend individual or group therapy, education and activities including:
    • English
    • Maths
    • Science
    • Art
    • Music
    • Cookery
    • Sports and recreational activities

    Education sessions are delivered throughout the day and will support you with existing studies and work towards achieving qualifications. Education will also deliver career advice and guidance.

    Other sessions that can be added to your timetable include:
    • Visits from family/carers
    • Appointments with your community team
    • Leave off the ward
    • Meetings (such as care planning)

  • Other areas at Ferndene

    Café Amelia
    Multi-faith room
    Sports hall

  • Evenings and weekends

    Ferndene offers plenty of outdoor and indoor space, along with rooms equipment and resources to continue with activities during evenings and weekends.

  • Nighttime

    A healthy sleep pattern is important to a person’s health and wellbeing. It can be difficult to get to sleep in an unfamiliar environment, but it is important to be well-rested to get the most out of the treatment you are being given. We will talk to your family/carer to find out what your sleep pattern is usually like and will try to recreate this while you are in hospital. We do, however, ask you to be mindful of noise levels and how this could be impacting others on the ward. We have a range of resources to help towards better sleep management.

    The Trust has an initiative called ‘Sleep Well’. This aims to give you six hours of undisturbed sleep while staying on the ward by adjusting how observations are carried out through the night. Although this is encouraged within the Trust, it may not be suitable for everyone. This will be considered in your engagement and observation care plan and can be reviewed regularly with your named nurse.

  • Your Multidisciplinary Team

    The multidisciplinary team (MDT) is made up of specialists who have training and experience in helping people while in hospital. You may be supported by all or some of the people in the team. They will meet each day and regularly throughout the week to review your care and treatment and make sure it’s of a high standard.

    Activity Lead
    Alongside the Occupational Therapy (OT) team, the Activity Lead will ensure you have a balanced structured day programme and access to all therapy, education, and vocational opportunities at Ferndene. Activities will be supported by AHP Assistant Practitioners who will ensure that you have access to meaningful occupations and the chance to engage in preferred activities.

    Art or Music Therapists
    Art and Music therapists are part of the psychological therapies team. They can offer you the opportunity to take part in individual or group, Art or Music therapy sessions. You might find being creative supports you to communicate your thoughts and feelings and make sense of your experiences.

    AHP Assistant Practitioners and OT Support Staff
    Both roles work with the OT team to support your goals in meaningful occupations based on interests and hobbies. They will support with motivation, setting up routines and supporting you to participate in structuring your day and developing life skills.

    Bed Managers
    The bed managers at Ferndene are responsible for making sure everyone is allocated to a bed that fits their needs. They support with the admission and discharge process for the young people within the hospital.

    The chaplain can support you during your time in hospital pastorally and spiritually by giving you space and time to talk about anything you are struggling with. The chaplain can see you on the ward or you can come to our chaplaincy space and talk privately with a chaplain there. Chaplains also help with religious needs and care, but you don’t have to be religious to spend time with the chaplain. You can ask a member of staff to contact the chaplain for you.

    You may work with a dietitian if you need help with your diet – this could involve having a more balanced diet, help with weight restoration or weight management. They can give you expert advice about the best type of foods to eat and help to develop a suitable meal plan tailored to you.

    The Newcastle Bridges School (NBS) are an alternative provision that delivers the education to the young people in Ferndene, as part of their structured day. Subject specialist teachers are available to support you in a range of subjects; we want you to attend your lessons and enjoy them too. Our teachers deliver externally accredited qualifications and follow the National Curriculum. Your timetable will be personalised and bespoke to your needs. We work closely with your home school and if it is appropriate, we liaise with them to assist with your transition back there.

    Family Ambassadors
    Family ambassadors champion ‘parents as partners’. They support families and carers to have their voices heard and empower them to play an active role in their child’s care. They understand how difficult this journey can be on families and carers and how crucial it is that their voices are heard.

    Occupational Therapy
    Occupational therapy will work with you to identify your strengths. They will support with maintaining existing skills and developing new skills, to increase life skills and self-regulation. The OT team will work with you using meaningful activities, such as your own interests, to understand your daily routines (personal care and domestic chores) and support with goal setting for discharge and beyond.

    There is a pharmacist and pharmacy technician working at Ferndene. They are responsible for dispensing and managing any medications you may be on, and are available to meet with young people, parents, and carers to discuss, and support with any medication queries.

    A psychiatrist is a medically qualified doctor who has chosen to specialise in mental health. This means they can prescribe medication as well as recommending other forms of treatment. Your consultant psychiatrist will be involved in your diagnosis and treatment.

    Psychologists try to understand your current issues using a range of assessments, including direct observations and interviews. This information is used to develop a formulation (an understanding) of what has contributed to your admission and what may help in your treatment.

    Responsible Clinician
    Your Responsible Clinician is the person who leads on your overall care. They could be a Psychiatrist, a Psychologist, a Nurse, or another member of the multidisciplinary team.

    Speech and Language Therapy Department
    Speech and language therapists support with communication. This means finding out about what you understand, how you talk to others and how you like other people to talk to you. They can also help anyone experiencing difficulties with swallowing by assessing their eating and drinking.

    Sports and Fitness Practitioner
    The Sports and Fitness Practitioner works alongside the OT team to support, motivate and educate individuals to lead healthier and more active lifestyles whilst working collaboratively and embracing diversity. They promote inclusion in sport and physical activities and provide a wide variety of opportunities to participate in during your admission.

    Systemic Family Therapy
    Systemic Family therapists are part of the psychological therapies team. Family therapy can help family members and friends to understand and support each other. It recognises that when someone is unwell, everyone in the family is affected. It can help when families are feeling overwhelmed or are struggling to communicate their feelings with one another.

  • Medication

    Depending on what section you are detained under you may have to accept treatment with medication. Information about your medication will be provided – the doctor or nurse can help you to understand any side effects.

    The pharmacist and pharmacy technician working at Ferndene are available to discuss and support you with any medication queries. If you have not met the pharmacist, please just ask the ward team and they can arrange for them to come and meet with you to discuss any issues concerning your medication.

    The Trust has a Pharmacy Medicines Information Helpline, which provides confidential advice about medications. It is available on 0191 245 6604 or by email at [email protected] (available 9am to 5pm).

  • Will I be able to go outside Ferndene?

    Young people can go on leave when it is considered safe and appropriate. Staff will help you plan leaves and learn about keeping safe.

    Some young people have been able to attend activities such as sports clubs, drama workshops and college. Staff will help you to learn and develop new life skills on leave, and support you to keep doing activities that are important to you. There is a town nearby called Prudhoe and we often go there on leave to buy personal items and ingredients to cook with.

  • Keeping people safe

    Staff are here to keep people safe. If you have any concerns about safety on the ward, please discuss this with a member of staff. There are daily Safety Huddles where young people and staff have an opportunity to discuss how safe the ward environment feels, and any changes that need to be made to ensure this.

    Each ward also has its own set of Mutual Expectations. This is a set of rules and basic expectations that both you and staff are encouraged to follow. These are co-created by staff and young people and are reviewed and updated regularly.

  • How can I get involved?

    There are several meetings on the ward that young people are encouraged to attend to give their points of view. Regular Community Meetings provide an opportunity to talk about what is important to you, ask any questions, and pass on any leave requests to staff.

    Mutual Help Meetings follow a structure of thanking others for their help and offering any advice or guidance on the issues that are brought up. We also encourage feedback through ‘Your Voice’ cards or online survey, which ask questions about your care. The feedback collected from these is used to help shape future inpatient care and lets us know if we’re doing a good job.

  • Information about consent

    You should always be involved in making decisions about your life and your future. Your family or carers may also be involved in these discussions.

    When you say that you agree to something happening, you are giving your consent.

    You can ask as many questions as you want to. You may want to talk it through with someone. Take time to think about it. You can also talk to your Independent Advocate.

    You might need to see a doctor, dentist, nurse, psychologist or therapist. They will ask for your consent before they carry out any tests, assessments or treatments.

    Things like coping skills, speech and language therapy, counselling, art, music and play therapy, or group sessions such as emotional literacy and life skills.

    Before you make up your mind, you need to be given information about:
    • What they want to do
    • Why it needs to be done
    • What any treatment will feel like
    • How it might help you feel better

  • How will people know that I am giving consent?

    You can give consent when speaking to staff by answering yes. Staff may ask you to sign something to check you agree to this.

  • Information the Trust keeps about you

    The Trust needs to keep information about you so that we can provide the best care for you.

    We keep the following information:
    • Name and address and your carers details
    • Notes of when we’ve seen and talked to you
    • Information about what treatment or care you have had
    • Information from other health workers, or family and people who care for you

    We do this to make sure that:
    • You get the best care possible
    • Health workers have the right information about you, your care and treatment

    Everyone who works in the Trust must keep information about you confidential. Sometimes we need to share information with other organisations that are providing care for you, like Social Services. If we do share information, we would normally talk to you about it first and ask for your permission.

    You have a right to find out what information we hold about you, please ask staff how to do this.

  • Your safety and security

    Fire safety
    If you hear the fire alarm going off, staff will guide you on what to do. It is important that you follow their instructions and try to stay calm. We have fire alarm testing on a Wednesday morning.

    Infection control
    Please speak to a member of staff if you are feeling unwell or have concerns about the cleanliness of the hospital.

    Safety and restraint
    Physical restraint is only used when there is an immediate danger towards yourself or others. This will only ever be carried out by staff who have received training in how to use these skills safely.

  • How can I give feedback?

    If you want to make a comment, suggestion, compliment or complaint you can:
    • talk to the people directly involved in your care
    • ask a member of staff for a feedback form, or complete a form on the Trust website www.cntw.nhs.uk/contact/complaints/
    • telephone the Complaints Department Tel: 0191 245 6672
    • email [email protected]
    • speak to your Independent Advocate for more information, or if you wish to be supported through this process

    We are always looking at ways to improve services. Your feedback allows us to monitor the quality of our services and act upon issues that you bring to our attention.

    You can provide feedback in the following ways:
    • other options for sharing your feedback and experience www.cntw.nhs.uk/yourfeedback
    • complete a Your Voice survey, available from the ward or by scanning a QR code the quickest way for you to do this is to complete our short online survey at www.cntw.nhs.uk/YourVoice

  • Who can provide me with advice?

    Coram Voice
    Tel: 0808 800 5792
    Online: www.coramvoice.org.uk
    An independent charity, Coram Voice support and help young people to be heard. Open Monday to Friday, 9.30am-6pm.

    While you are in hospital under the Mental Health Act, you are entitled to speak with an Independent Mental Health Advocate but it is your choice if you want to do so.

    The Advocate does not work for the hospital but is there for you to make sure you know and understand your rights around your Treatment and Care Plan and to help you to tell people what you want to happen when they are making decisions for you. They will help you to attend meetings if you want to and support you to make sure your voice is heard.

    The Advocate will visit the hospital every week and will listen to you if you are worried or unhappy about anything and help you to sort things out or to make a complaint.

    Your meetings with the Advocate are private, unless someone is in danger, and they will always talk to you and agree how they will do what you are asking them to do for you.

    Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS)
    Tel: 0800 032 0202
    Email: [email protected]
    PALS provide independent confidential advice and support, helping you to sort out any concerns that you may have about any aspect of your care.

  • Visitors

    On every ward, there is a visitor’s room with a TV and a selection of games. These are placed slightly off the ward, providing a private space where you can spend time with your loved ones.

    We encourage contact with family and friends but for safety reasons visits have to be approved by the multidisciplinary team. Visitors under 18 years who have been approved must still visit with an approved adult.

    It is best to arrange visits in advance to ensure these can go ahead. However, we understand this may not always be possible.

    We will make every effort to ensure your visits happen. Where possible we encourage visits to be after 3.30pm and at weekends. If visits can only happen outside of these times, we will help you plan this around the structured day.

    Visits may be supervised. This means staff will stay nearby to keep everyone safe. Sometimes staff might need to be in the room with you, but they will try not to impose on your visit.

  • Using the phone

    We will work with you to ensure you maintain contact with your family and friends via the phone. If you don’t have your own mobile phone, we have a ward mobile. Use of this may need to be supervised, but staff will respect your privacy as much as possible.

    Individual agreements will be made with you, your carers and the professionals who work with you to agree when your phone calls should be planned around the structured day, preferably after 3.30pm.

  • Receiving post

    You can receive post at Ferndene. Parcels will need to be checked by staff. Letters will be given to you unopened, but staff may need to supervise you opening them. Please make sure these are addressed to the correct ward.

  • Keeping in Touch (KiT)

    A KiT computer gives you access to a computer so you can use the internet or Skype carers/friends with supervision from staff.

  • Hospital address

    While in hospital, you can receive post at the following address. Please make sure these are addressed to the correct ward.

    Your name
    Your ward
    Children and Young People’s Service
    Ferndene Hospital
    Moor Road
    NE42 5PB

  • How will my discharge be planned?

    Plans around your discharge route start soon after your admission. You and your carers will be involved in the planning of this.

    Staff on the ward will be able to help with any concerns you have about these plans and provide you with contact details for your community team.

  • What is a Discharge Planning Meeting?

    Your discharge planning meeting is a way of planning and co-ordinating your care after you leave hospital and what route this will take. It helps make sure that you are supported in a way that fits your individual needs.

  • Help and advice outside of hospital

    Young Minds
    Information about looking after yourself, common mental health problems and your rights.

    The Mix
    Ssupport service for young people. Helpline: 0808 808 4994

  • How can I get involved?

    As a member of our NHS Foundation Trust, you can be as involved as much as you would like. This could just be receiving regular information about the Trust or getting involved in issues that you care about. The choice is yours!

    To become a member, all you need to do is complete a membership application form or join online at www.cntw.nhs.uk/about/membership Membership is free and members can also benefit from discounts for many shops and services.

    If you are 16 years old or over and interested in learning more about becoming a Governor for the Children and Young People’s Service, please contact the Membership Office on 0191 245 6827 or email [email protected]

    More information can then be provided about the criteria.

  • Patient and carer involvement

    The Trust values the involvement of service users, their carers and their families in making decisions about your care and recognises this can lead to better outcomes and a better overall experience. Imagine the benefits and value that your contributions could make in the design, delivery, and evaluation of our services.

    The Patient and Carer Involvement Team co-ordinate and facilitate service user and carer involvement, in specific short-term activities and projects, to ensure their needs are represented and reflected at the heart of everything we do. We have set up an Involvement Bank to help us do this work.

    There are three levels of involvement which are:

    Individual level – Ensuring you and the people who support you are at the centre of every aspect of care from assessment, through treatment to leaving a service. Increasing your control for recovery and wellbeing with a voice that is heard.

    Ongoing development of services – Opportunities to be involved in forums, saying what’s working well and why, i.e. being part of ward and community meetings, sharing an understanding and awareness of what your personal experience has been and how this can help improve services.

    In service change and service improvement – This is a more strategic level looking at service change such as transformation projects, commissioning of services, and service redesign.

    Getting involved is easy, and how much you get involved is up to you. If you are interested in influencing how we work, the guide to Involvement and the Involvement Bank registration form are available in hardcopy or online at: www.cntw.nhs.uk/services/patient-and-carer-involvement.

    If you would like more information or support with registering, the Patient and Carer Involvement Team would love to hear from you:
    Tel: 01670 501 816

  • Tell us what you think

    We would like to know what you think about the Ferndene welcome guide, your views will help us to improve the guide.

    1. What do you like about the welcome guide?


    2. What do you dislike about the welcome guide?


    3. Is there any other information that you would like included in the welcome guide?


    4. Is there anything else you would like to tell us about the welcome guide?

    We would be very grateful if you would take a couple of minutes to answer the following questions. Staff can help you to do this – thank you.

    Please return to: Patient Information Centre, St Nicholas Hospital
    or hand to a member of staff.

  • Contact details

    Children and Young People’s Service
    Ferndene Hospital
    Moor Road
    NE42 5PB

    Telephone: 01661 838 400

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    Published by the Patient Information Centre
    2024 Copyright, Cumbria, Northumberland, Tyne and Wear NHS
    Foundation Trust
    Ref, PIC/71/0322 March 2024 V5
    www.cntw.nhs.uk Tel: 0191 246 7288
    Review date 2027
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