Recovery and Engagement Team – Northgate Park – Patient Information Leaflet

Information about Therapeutic Acitivites Services at Northgate Hospital. Activities include sports, art, gardening and woodwork.

  • Introduction

    This leaflet provides you with information that you will find useful whilst attending recovery and engagement sessions, at Northgate Park, Morpeth. If you are not sure about anything in this leaflet please ask a member of staff.

  • Who is the Recovery and Engagement Team for?

    The team is for any service user from Northgate Park.

  • How do I access sessions with the Recovery and Engagement Team?

    The team will help you build a weekly timetable which will meet all of your needs.

  • How long are sessions?

    The number of sessions that you have will depend upon your personal needs and circumstances. The care team will discuss this with you.

  • Arts Hub

    Art offers users the opportunity to be creative, learn new skills and have fun.

    Why should I attend?
    When you attend the Art Hub you will be able to try out lots of different activities and have fun in a relaxed, friendly and welcoming atmosphere.
    It doesn’t matter if you think you aren’t good at art – you can still be creative, try out exciting materials and ways to make art fun.

    Activities you can be involved with
    You will have a chance to try out lots of different activities, such as:
    • collage
    • printing
    • drawing and painting
    • 3D work
    • animation
    • music and music technology
    • singing
    • textiles
    • sculpture and much more

    When do sessions run?
    Sessions run from 9am – 11.30am and 1pm – 3.30pm five days a week.

    For further information contact
    The Arts Hub – Tel: 01670 394 174

  • Education Services

    Improve your skills or learn new ones in a supportive environment.

    Why should I attend?
    We offer sessions which are aimed at improving your skills or learning new ones in a safe, supportive and caring environment. These are based around the curriculum areas followed in adult education – English, maths, IT, employability and personal and social development. You can gain recognised vocationally related qualifications in these areas.

    Activities you can be involved with
    We offer activities in a number of different areas, for example:
    • Improving your reading skills in a safe space
    • Improving your English and maths functional skills
    • Developing hand writing
    • Improving computer skills
    • Identifying your personal learning goals
    • Developing your employability skills – getting ready to work, writing a CV, identifying strengths etc
    • Problem-solving skills

    We also offer a library service where you can take out DVDs and books both at The Recovery College and the medium secure units.

    When do sessions run?
    Sessions run Monday to Thursday and are organised with your specific teachers depending on whether they are one to one sessions or groups. The libraries run on Monday afternoons.

    For further information contact
    Helen Sonnenfeld, Education Lead – Northgate Park ext 64177

  • Garpro

    GARRO offers service users the opportunity to learn gardening skills.

    Why should I attend?
    When you attend the GARPRO you will be able to learn gardening skills.

    Activities you can be involved with
    We provide a range of gardening activities that you can try:
    • Woodland Project – providing work and training experience in landscape work, planting of trees and shrubs.
    • Workshop – tool/machine maintenance, construction of fencing and other timber structures i.e. baskets, wishing wells.
    • Nursery Garden – propagation including sowing seed, taking cuttings and producing hanging baskets. There is also a vegetable garden where we grow fresh vegetables.

    Arriving at GARPRO?
    When you arrive you will be welcomed by a member of staff. They will give you an induction and explain about health and safety whilst at GARPRO.

    When do sessions run?
    Sessions run from 9am – 11.30am and 1pm – 3.30pm Monday to Friday.

    For further information contact
    GARPRO – Tel: 01670 394 143

  • The Sports Department

    The Sports Department offers service users the opportunity to health and fitness related activities such as active sports or gym based exercise.

    Who is it for?
    Any service user from Northgate Park can attend the Sports Department. You will need a referral, please ask a member of staff.

    Why should I attend?
    When you attend the Sports Department you will be able to develop your health and fitness. There are also other activities that are fun, educational and help to keep you in shape.

    Activities you can be involved with
    We offer a range of sporting and leisure activities such as:
    • Football
    • Cricket
    • Golf
    • Rounders
    • Rugby

    We also have a gym including rowing machines which can be linked together via a computer so you can race against other people.

    We also open our doors on a Tuesday and Wednesday evening; selling tea, coffee and a small selection of treats and snacks. There are pool and snooker tables, table tennis and a dart board available to use.

    Arriving at the Sports Department
    Before you take up sports sessions with the Sports Department you will be given the opportunity to attend a taster session where you will be welcomed by a member of staff and given the opportunity to sample some of the activities on offer.

    When you do come to your full time sessions, a member of the sports staff team will give you an induction to the department and explain about health and safety whilst on the unit.

    When do sessions run?
    Sessions vary depending on your chosen activities. Usually
    active sport sessions run from 9am – 11.30am and 1pm – 3.30pm Monday to Friday whilst gym sessions are shorter and usually last about an hour up to three times a week.

    For further information contact
    Sports Department – Tel: 01670 394 234

  • Woodwork

    Woodwork offers service users the opportunity to develop woodworking and do it yourself (DIY) skills.

    Why should I attend?
    When you attend Woodwork you will be able to develop skills. These skills may improve your employment prospects, and give you basic DIY skills to benefit you at home.

    Activities you can be involved with
    We offer a range of woodworking projects and training opportunities, including household furniture, garden furniture made to customer specifications. You can learn basic DIY skills such as;
    • Electrics
    • Plumbing
    • Painting and decorating.
    Training tasks include;
    • Health and Safety
    • Moving and Handling
    • Using hand held tools, fixed machines – circular saws, planers etc.

    Arriving at Woodworking?
    When you arrive you will be welcomed by a member of staff. They will give you an induction and explain about health and safety whilst on the unit.

    When do sessions run?
    Sessions run from 9am – 11.30am and 1pm – 3.30pm, Monday to Friday.

    For further information contact
    A.T.C Building – Tel: 01670 394 143

  • Secure Care Services Recovery College – The Gees Centre

    The Recovery College runs in the Gees Centre. The Centre also provides leisure and social activities.

    Why should I attend?
    When you attend the Gees you will be able to learn skills, make friends and join in social activities.

    Arriving at Gees Club
    When you arrive you will be welcomed by a member of staff. They will show you around and inform you about the different courses and activities that we have available.

    Activities you can be involved with
    We offer a varied programme of activities. Staff will let you know where you can buy refreshments and give you a timetable of activities.

    Social evenings
    Activities include bingo, key club, play your cards right, karaoke and a disco.

    Evenings – 5pm – 7.15pm and weekends 1pm – 7.15pm

    Weekends – 9.30am – 11.30am and 1pm – 3.30pm.

    For further information contact
    The Gees Club – Tel: 01670 394 237

    As a teaching unit, students may be involved in all aspects of patient care. They will speak to you and ask for your consent if they are involved in any direct care, but if you do not wish for them to be involved in any other areas please speak to your named nurse or key worker and let them know.

  • Problems, complaints or suggestions

    Cumbria, Northumberland, Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation Trust has a complaints policy. We will give you a leaflet about how to make a complaint.

    If you think that we could improve our service then please let a nurse know your idea.

  • Useful contacts

    • Cumbria, Northumberland, Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation Trust
    Tel: 0191 246 6800
    • Patient Advice and Liaison Service
    Tel: 0800 032 0202

  • Information about content, other formats and version control

    Further information about the content, reference sources or production of this leaflet can be obtained from the Patient Information Centre. If you would like to tell us what you think about this leaflet please get in touch.

    This information can be made available in a range of formats on request (eg Braille, audio, larger print, easy read, BSL or other languages). Please contact the Patient Information Centre

    Tel: 0191 246 7288

    Published by the Patient Information Centre
    2023 Copyright, Cumbria, Northumberland, Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation Trust

    Ref, PIC/615/1122 November 2022 V6 Tel: 0191 246 7288

    Review date 2025