Nominations are now open for our Staff Excellence Awards 2025

Posted: 04/02/25

Nominations are now open for our annual Staff Excellence Awards, and we need your help to put forward the amazing individuals and teams who you would like to be recognised!

Our Staff Excellence Awards celebrate the dedication, hard work and achievements of CNTW and NTW Solutions staff who’ve made a real difference to service users, carers or work colleagues.

All you need to do is visit the nominations page and select the category you’d like to make the nomination for. Then, write a short statement on why that person or team should win.

This year, in line with our strategy ‘With you in mind’, the categories have been aligned to reflect our strategic ambitions. There are also some new categories this year too.

There are 18 awards this year:

Strategic ambition 1 – Quality Care Every Day

  • Clinician of the Year
  • Clinical Team of the Year
  • Healthcare worker of the Year
  • Individual of the Year (this award is open to NTW Solutions staff)
  • Team of the Year (this award is open to NTW Solutions staff
  • Behind the scenes – Individual (this award, for CNTW staff, is not open to staff who provide frontline care)
  • Behind the scenes award – team (this award, for CNTW staff, is not open to staff who provide frontline care)

Strategic ambition 2 – Person led care, when and where it’s needed

  • Transforming care award

Strategic ambition 3 – A great place to work

  • Leadership Award (not dependent on role or seniority)
  • Manager of the Year
  • Unsung hero
  • Rising Star (less than two years’ service in CNTW/NTW Solutions)
  • Lifetime Achievement Award (25+ years’ service in the NHS, at least two of which within CNTW or NTW Solutions)

Strategic ambition 4 – Sustainable for the long term, innovating every day

  • Innovation and improvement
  • Tackling inequalities

Strategic ambition 5 – Working for, and with, our communities

  • Working together
  • Impact Award (for people not employed by us who give their time freely)
  • Lived experience and participation award

Shortlisted nominees in each category will be honoured at a ceremony at Newcastle Civic Centre on Friday 27 June 2025.

You can nominate as many individuals or teams as you like.

Complete your nomination form and help us celebrate the dedication and hard work of our staff who make a difference each day.

Nominations will close on Friday 21 February.