The North East and North Cumbria Suicide Prevention Network are hosting a range of activities throughout September, focussed around World Suicide Prevention Day on 10th September. The highlight of the month will be an online event with presentations and personal stories on the theme of ‘Creating Hope Through Action.’ The Network are also encouraging local people to take part in their month-long #MoveNENC challenge to help raise awareness and reduce stigma, as well as distributing suicide prevention resources across the region.
Katherine McGleenan, Suicide Prevention Lead at the North East and North Cumbria Suicide Prevention Network said: “Many people don’t feel confident that about how to help someone who might be struggling, and stigma can lead to people who are struggling not knowing where or how to ask for help.
“World Suicide Prevention Day is a time when we can all really focus on what more we can do. Our theme this year, ‘creating hope through action’, focuses on the small actions we can all take which create hope and might ultimately help save a life.
“I want everyone, whatever their circumstances, to know that support is available and to know how to access support easily if they need to, so that no one feels they need to cope alone.”
‘Creating Hope Through Action’ online event
Katherine adds, “We are very excited to welcome people to our virtual event on the morning of the 10th September. It will feature a range of people’s own stories of hope and recovery, alongside presentations from regional support services and NHS Trusts on how they are working together to prevent suicide. There will also be a practical session to help people develop their own ‘wellbeing plan.’”
Registration is still open for this free, online event – book your place now at https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/creating-hope-through-change-world-suicide-prevention-day-2021-registration-164292662777
Free training
From Monday 6th September, throughout the week leading up to World Suicide Prevention Day, the Network will be delivering a programme of free online training for the public, to help enhance people’s emotional literacy, challenge the stigma around emotional distress, and tackle the barriers that stop people from seeking help.
People can find out more and sign up for training sessions at https://www.stopsuicidenenc.org/training/
Resource Tins
The Suicide Prevention Network have already placed 2000 of their resource tins (pictured above) in venues across communities in the North East and North Cumbria, in a drive to help more people have access to good information about support available if they are feeling suicidal. This initiative has recently been shortlisted for a HSJ Award, and to mark World Suicide Prevention Day the Network will be providing 2000 further resource tins across the region. People can find out more about these resource tins, and how to host one in their community, at https://www.stopsuicidenenc.org/tins/.
MoveNENC Challenge
This year the North East and North Cumbria Suicide Prevention Network is joining the International Association for Suicide Prevention’s virtual global cycle challenge with their own #MoveNENC Challenge.
Katherine says, “From the 10th September (World Suicide Prevention Day) until 10th October (World Mental Health Day), we will be on the move, and we hope that people from across our communities will join in with the #MoveNENC challenge!
“We’re encouraging everyone to get cycling, walking, running, or moving in any way you prefer, to help us move as any miles as possible and start conversations about suicide prevention that might just help save lives.
“We also hope to raise some money for some of the great local organisations supporting vulnerable people across the North East and North Cumbria.”
People can find out more about the challenge at https://www.stopsuicidenenc.org/move-nenc/, and show their support on social media by tagging @StopSuicideNENC and using the hashtag #MoveNENC.