Cumbria, Northumberland, Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation Trust (CNTW) has been awarded Ambassador Status for the Better Health at Work Award.
Cameron Armstrong, Better Health at Work Award Programme Coordinator, said: “CNTW have provided great submissions [for the award] and it’s time this is recognised by the way of Ambassador status. There is a lot of good work being completed throughout their organisation.”
Cameron praised the Trust for “attempting to make opportunities equitable and fair for everyone, running engaging campaigns and providing an online resource, thriveatcntw.co.uk.”
He added, “CNTW are already being ambassadors with the work they do, and it’s only right they received the title to go alongside it.”
Organisations can be recommended for Ambassador Status when they achieve the ‘Maintaining Excellence’, the highest level of the Better Health at Work Award.
The award recognises the work carried out by a wide range of teams at CNTW. Recent health and wellbeing initiatives at the Trust have included:
- Activities to support staff going through menopause, such as ‘Menopause Cafes’ to provide a space for discussion. The Trust developed a ‘menopause toolkit’, with information and resources for staff and their managers.
- Outdoor experiences such as alpaca treks, target games, and nature walks, to support staff’s fitness and help them connect with nature.
- Webinars and drop-in sessions from Barclays to help staff overcome their money worries.
Lynne Shaw, Executive Director of Workforce and Organisation Development at CNTW, said: “I am thrilled that the Trust has achieved ‘Maintaining Excellence’ status from the Better Health at Work Award. Being recognised as an Ambassador for the scheme is a testament to the dedication teams across our Trust have shown to supporting staff’s health and wellbeing.
“The people who work here are our most important asset. It’s vital that we take good care of them, so that they can deliver the best possible care and treatment to the people we serve.
“The Better Health at Work Award helps us to do this. It gives us access to support and a fantastic community of other organisations who we can share ideas and best practice with.