Are you a carer for someone with a mental health problem?

Posted: 16/01/18

We have a commitment to carers that relies on us really getting to know all about our service users and their friends and family. That way, we are in the best position to help and support everyone as well as making sure the information we hold is comprehensive enough to ensure good outcomes to our work.

As part of a review of our ‘Getting to Know You’ process, we would be most interested to hear people’s views on any of the following:

  1. What matters most to you as a carer?
  2. How can we best ensure effective communication with carers?
  3. As a carer, would it be helpful to have a written plan about your needs and support?

Please let us know your thoughts by emailing us at [email protected]


We have, along with carer involvement representation, are continuing to look at how we ensure our systems and processes embed the principles of the triangle of care.

Our discussions were:

  • The proposed introduction of a ‘carer specific’ section within our electronic records to include individualised carer specific information
  • We have a ‘getting to know you’ document, which it it proposed we include in our written ‘commitment to carers’.  We hope this will make our documentation more streamlined and user friendly and encourage better conversations and collaboration
  • Our processes will be more user friendly and include a ‘supportive engagement plan’ which will be personalised and put the carer at the centre
  • We now plan to look at how we develop our newly proposed functions into workable processes.

We would like to hear from anyone who has a caring role, and we would would specifically like to know, what is most important to you as a carer to include within your plan?