Dr Jonathan Richardson
GMC No: 4426350
I was appointed, as a Consultant in 2007. I am an educational and clinical supervisor and have a Diploma in Medical Education. I was involved in research via the DeNDRoN network. I was one of the first North East Leadership Academy Clinical Leadership Fellows. I have an MSc in Integrated Service Improvement and have completed the NHS Leadership Academy Nye Bevan Programme. I had an active involvement in the development of clinical informatics nationally, regionally and locally. I had a secondment, with NHS England, working part time as National Clinical Advisor for Mental Health Informatics in 2015-16. I was Chair of the RCPsych Informatics Committee and was the RCPsych Special Adviser on Informatics 2011-16. I was the Chair of the North East Clinical Health Information Network, 2011-2014 which has over 300 members. I was one of the first Chief Clinical Information Officers (CCIO) in Mental Health, whilst Clinical Director of Informatics in NTW 2011-2014. I’m currently an executive member of the RCPsych Faculty of Old Age Psychiatry 2017- 2021 and I’m involved in 2ith the RCPsych looking at Frailty and its impact.