Dr Garry Martin
GMC No: 7130958
I studied medicine at Newcastle University and qualified as a junior doctor in 2011. I have a passionate interest in medical education and have taken a number of years out of training, in order to pursue qualifications and experience in education and governance. I commenced Core Training in 2014 and higher training in General Adult psychiatry in 2018. I thoroughly enjoyed my time working in a variety of specialties and was delighted to be nominated and awarded both the Core Trainee and Higher Trainee of the year awards. I qualified as a consultant, with liaison accreditation, towards the end of 2021 and commenced working on an adult acute ward in January 2022. An acute ward is a very busy environment but I am ardent that we can support people experiencing a wide range of challenges, mental health and well-being needs. I am a block lead for medical students on clinical placement, and the Mental Health Liaison Lead for Sunderland University, which allows me to promote mental health and ensure the needs of patients and service users are at the heart of the education we deliver to future generations of health professionals.