Quality Account 2023/24
Quality Account 2023/24
As a Foundation Trust, we are expected to develop a Quality Account each year. A Quality Account is a report about the quality of our services and are an important way for local NHS services, such as CNTW, to report on quality and show improvements in the services we deliver to local communities and stakeholders.
The quality of the services is measured by looking at patient safety, the effectiveness of treatments patients receive, and patient feedback about the care provided and as part this process, we also develop what will be our ‘quality priorities’ for the coming year.
We are continuing to engage with our stakeholders until around the end of May 2024 to develop our quality priorities and we would like to invite you to take part.
Our previous quality priorities have always been developed based on the needs of the communities we serve as well as self-identified areas that we feel need a specific focus for improvement.
In June 2023, we launched our new Trust strategy ‘With You in Mind’ which was developed in partnership with service users, carers, staff, partners, and other stakeholders. The strategy describes our ambitions as a Trust from the perspective of our stakeholders. This year, we are taking an opportunity to align our quality priorities with our new Trust Strategy and our annual priorities.
With this said, our developing quality priorities are focussed on Strategic Ambition 1 of With You in Mind – Quality Care Every Day, and currently look like this: