Eliminating Mixed Sex Accommodation
Eliminating Mixed Sex Accommodation
In January 2009, the Secretary of State announced an intensive drive to all but eliminate mixed sex accommodation and a number of measures were put in place to support local delivery of this commitment. The programme has put patients, service users and staff at the centre of planning and improvement work, creating substantial momentum across the NHS, leading to a range of local improvements.
CNTW Foundation NHS Trust in relation to Eliminating Mixed Sex Accommodation has been involved in the following:
- Self-Declaration of compliance from 2010 to date.
- Self-Assessment of the provision of in-patient accommodation within the organisation ensuring compliance with the regulations.
- The production of a Delivery Plan, the purpose of which is to enable the organisation to demonstrate they are managing the process to make improvements to patient care and will demonstrate how and when actions will be taken to continue to deliver improvements. Progress against the Delivery Plan is presented to the Trust wide Quality and Performance Committee on a quarterly basis.
The NHS Operating Framework requires all providers of NHS funded care to confirm whether they are compliant with the national definition ‘to eliminate mixed sex accommodation except where it is in the overall best interests of the patient, or reflects their patient choice’.
Trust Boards must make declarations no later than 1 April annually and must ensure that they are clearly visible on their website.
DSSA Declaration 2022-2023
More information can be found on delivering the same sex accommodation programme on the NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement’s website.