South Tyneside Primary Care Physical Health Service – INT019

The South Tyneside Primary Care Physical Health Service links in with GP practices to offer physical health checks to patients with serious mental illness, learning disabilities or autism.

Our team can meet you at your own home or an agreed place that is convenient to support with your physical health checks. This can include taking your blood pressure, weight, bloods and a discussion on lifestyle.

We can also point you in the right direction for any additional support you may need such as:

  • helping you access specialist services to reduce your alcohol intake
  • giving up smoking
  • accessing mental health services
  • advice and support on getting fit and eating well.

Our team is made up of a pharmacist, two specialist nurses (one  mental health nurse and one learning disability nurse) and three clinical support nurses. We also have an administrator who inputs the data.

Who is it for?

Our service works with people with serious mental illness, a diagnosed learning disability or autism spectrum disorder.



Monkton Hall Monkton Lane Jarrow Tyne and Wear NE32 5NN

Opening Times

Monday 9am – 5pm Tuesday 9am – 5pm Wednesday 9am – 5pm Thursday 9am – 5pm Friday 9am – 5pm

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