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Edenwood is an inpatient assessment and treatment unit based at the Carleton Clinic in Carlisle. Edenwood has six beds providing assessment and treatment for the county. The unit works with adults who have a global learning disability. Edenwood provides assessment and treatment for people with learning disabilities with additional mental health problems requiring in-service user care when this cannot be appropriately provided in generic in-service user settings e.g. because of the person’s vulnerability in such a setting. Edenwood also provides assessment and treatment for people with learning disabilities and challenging behaviour or offending behaviours whose needs for assessment and treatment cannot safely be met in the community. Interventions will be based on these assessments and include a range of psychological, social and medical interventions depending on individual need. Everyone is offered a full physical assessment and medical conditions are treated. A healthy lifestyle is encouraged.
Edenwood is an assessment and treatment unit for people with learning disabilities who also have mental health problems.
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This leaflet is for Edenwood at the Carleton Clinic in Cumbria - a unit for adults with learning disabilities who need specialist hospital care because of their behaviour and/or mental health.