Carer Card leaflet
The Trust value carers and the essential role they play. The Carer Card offers 50% discounts in Trust cafés as well as free parking on all main Trust sites.

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Carer Card Leaflet
Who is a carer
A carer is someone who looks after another person, usually a family member or friend, who could not manage without their support due to illness, disability, mental health problems or an addiction.
What is the Carer Card
We value carers and the essential role they play. The Carer Card identifies carers, and recognises the value of their involvement in the care of people who have accessed services within the Trust.
Using the Carer Card
The Carer Card will enable everyone to recognise someone as a carer.
Trust cafés
The Carer Card offers a carer 50% discount in Trust cafés, when shown at the till. The maximum discount is £10 on a £20 daily spend, at the following cafés:The Lounge, Carleton Clinic
Café Andrew, Northgate Hospital
Café George, St George’s Park
Café Amelia, Ferndene
Café Nicholas, St Nicholas Hospital
Café Tanni, Walkergate Park
Café Bede, Monkwearmouth Hospital
Café Hope, Hopewood Park* Discount does not apply to Trust shops or vending machines.
Parking at Trust sites
The Carer Card can be used to register a car for free parking at all Trust owned sites.Vehicle details must be registered through a main reception desk. This registration will allow free parking for one year.
* It is the carers responsibility to ensure they are parked on a Trust site and to re-register their vehicle after one year.
Record date of registration ____________________________________
How does a carer get a Carer Card
A carer should be offered a Carer Card by staff in clinical services.
Help and support
For more information about the Carer Card, or to find out how carers can become involved in shaping CNTW services, contact the Patient and Carer Involvement Service.
Telephone: 01670 501 816
Email: [email protected]
Website:– The Carer Card is for use only by the carer to which it was originally issued and must not be given to any other person for their use.
– Staff who have a Carer Card must only use the card when attending the Trust in their role as a carer and not when they are at work.
– Discount is available at Trust cafes and does not apply to Trust shops or vending machines.
– An abuse of the Carer Card may require the card to be withdrawn.
– See list of Trust cafés
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Published by the Patient Information Centre
2024 Copyright, Cumbria, Northumberland, Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation Trust
Ref, PIC/884/0224 February 2024 V3 Tel: 0191 246 7288
Review date 2026