Carers Charter
Northumberland, Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation Trust greatly value the very important work of family and friends caring for people who use our services. We believe that a carer is someone who provides help or support to a relative, partner or friend – this involves giving practical help or providing emotional support. We also recognise that carers have a statutory right to a Carer’s Assessment so that their needs can be fully addressed.
The Northumberland Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation Trust want to work in partnership with carers to ensure we carry out our role more effectively and to listen to what you say so that we might work more efficiently. To achieve this we are committed to the principles outlined in this “Carers’ Charter”.
This charter is based on involvement with carers throughout the Northumberland, Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation Trust. It details how we will work in partnership with them and provide support and help.