West Community Treatment Team – Houghton Clinic – Patient Information Leaflet

Information about the West Community Treatment Team, which provides an assessment and treatment service for men and women over the age of 18 years who are experiencing difficulty with their mental health.

Westbridge – Patient Information Leaflet

Westbridge is a partnership between Tyne Housing and Cumbria, Northumberland, Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation Trust. It provides specialist residential and clinical support for up to 12 adults who have been discharged from secure mental health hospitals, or prison, with the aim to help integration back into the community.

Welcome Guide – North of Tyne Addictions

This is the welcome guide for the North of Tyne Addictions service at Gibside ward, St Nicholas Hospital. It contains information you will find useful during your stay.

Welcome Guide – Learning disability

This welcome pack will provide you with useful information about your stay, it will tell you about the ward, staff and treatments and therapies that are available to you.

What is Psychosis? – EIP Service – Information Leaflet

The information in this booklet is for people who have been referred to the Early Intervention for Psychosis (EIP) service. This booklet gives you information about what psychosis is and what the service can do to help you recover.

What is Occupational Health?

NHS North Cumbria Talking Therapies Occupational Health (OH) is a confidential medical service providing expert advice and guidance about health issues and their impact upon work.

Welcome Guide – Adult Inpatient Services

This guide provides you with information that you will find useful during your stay in adult inpatient services. It tells you about the staff, the ward, the treatments and therapies available to you.

What is Cognitive Analytic Therapy (CAT)? – Patient information leaflet

Cognitive Analytic Therapy (also known as CAT) is a talking therapy that mainly focuses on the way we relate to ourselves and to other people. It can help with a wide range of difficulties, for example, experiencing depression, anxiety or low self-esteem; feeling repeatedly let down, hurt or rejected; doing things that are harmful or self defeating as a way to stop feeling overwhelmed by strong feelings.

We share clean air

These resources will tell you about the benefits of giving up smoking, key facts about smoking, what smokefree means for patients, carers, staff and visitors, electronic cigarettes and support you can get to stop smoking.