Do you need an Independent Mental Health Advocate (IMHA)?
Sometimes it can be difficult for people to speak up for themselves. An advocate is somebody who can work with you to help you have your say about things.
Sometimes it can be difficult for people to speak up for themselves. An advocate is somebody who can work with you to help you have your say about things.
Sometimes it can be difficult for people to speak up for themselves. An advocate is somebody who can work with you to help you have your say about things.
IPS support you to find paid employment that matches your preferences and skill set. This leaflet will tell you how they do that and who the service is for.
Information about exercising whilst in a wheelchair and the benefits of it.
This leaflet is for family members, friends or anyone who is worried about someone with psychosis.
This leaflet is for people registered at either Cruddas Park Surgery or Hillsview Surgery who are struggling with their mental health and would like to have a conversation about employment regardless of diagnosis, substance use, convictions, confidence, learning difficulty, qualifications or employment history.
Cumbria, Northumberland, Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation Trust supports contact, and recognises that maintaining relationships between children and young people and their family, who are service users of the Trust, is important.
Leaflet explaining Infection Prevention and Control. Cumbria, Northumberland, Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation Trust see infection control as an important part of the care we provide.
This leaflet explains why we keep personal information about you and why we may need to share it.
This leaflet - Easy Read explains why we keep personal information about you and why we may need to share it.
An Easy Read guide to Inclusive Communication Essex (ICE) is an approach that seeks to 'create a supportive and effective communication environment, using every available means of communication to understand and be understood'
IMHA in different languages sometimes it can be difficult for people to speak up for themselves. An advocate is somebody who can work with you to help you have your say about things.